Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Serious Laugh

Wisdom comes not from words.

Though I am an intellectual,
it does not mean I am not wise.

A collection of words
creates a leaning tower.

The wordless silence
yields the leaning tower fall.

Just because I am
paranoid doesn’t mean
they aren’t out to get me.

The fear is all in the mind,
yet mind attracts all fear.

Hiding not from oneself
the critics laugh
as the wise laugh
first at themselves
and then their critics.

In time the wise laughs
and the critics ponder bemused.

A twisted laugh,
a wordless spasm,
such yearnings for the futile,
the wise sit and do

Yet in all of eternity
no winds shall move
even a fine layer
from the mountain
that Is
a wise being.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Modern Mysteries

Two Contemporary Puzzles: Democracy and Trade

Barack Obama, the President-elect of the United States has been labelled by some as a protectionist. The Doha round of the World Trade Organisation has been a knockout defeat. The Nobel prize for economics was awarded to Paul Krugman for his efforts in understanding modern trade. Am I just making random comments?

The benefits of trade is not very difficult to understand. People in the West love coffee and coffee grows well in the tropical East. People in the West have (or had) a lot of money, and people in the East like investment funds. Mutual benefit from products or services most efficiently produced and most appreciatively consumed lead to a better outcome for all.

Paul Krugman’s not insignificant award sought to explain a deficiency in this basic system. The anomaly was that at times patterns of trade did not follow this logic. The explanatory framework devised by Krugman sought to take into account the benefits of specialisation and market leadership, rather than simple comparative advantage. Simply by making a start, a person or organisation can develop skills and economies of scale that allow them to be and remain competitive. Hence a smart coffee farmer from the West may be able to keep out Vietnamese competitors if this person started out and grew in size before the Asian became dominant.

Another aspect that complicates the trade situation is based on size and diversity. The more diverse a region the less is the need to rely on products or services from another region. Also, the larger the region (for example the European Union) the greater the possibility for diversity - generally speaking. The more a country or group of countries can meet its wants and needs from within, the less the advantage of trade imports. Most countries or regions throughout the world can meet not only the basic needs of life, but also most of the subtle and nuanced desires of even the most fickle consumers without sourcing externally.

Due to diversity, whether from nature or human endeavour, the law of diminishing returns comes into play with trade. International trade can be immensely stimulating when diversity is restricted – say at the end of World War II. However if a country has reasonable basic resources, and is reasonably engaged in use of resources and human capital, the advantages can soon become disadvantages.

The failure of the Doha round of the WTO is precisely because the leaders of countries have seen that what was a blessing has now become a curse. In a way this is self-fulfilling. The benefits of trade lead to an abundance that created sufficient diversity within countries. With this newfound diversity the country is therefore more adept at meeting its peoples needs, and hence is less reliant on trade.

The United States and other Western nations promulgated trade. They are however now the victims of trade – from China for example. To be of worth trade needs to be mutually beneficial. For a long time this has not been the case in the US’s relationship with China. The fact that the US has been one of the blockers for the Doha round shows some intelligence. The fact the Barack Obama is a protectionist shows a little more intelligence.

The word protectionist has some sort of false derogatory theme attached to it by the benefits of free trade. If the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages in certain trades, then to take a protectionist stand is literally to protect – sounds pretty sensible to me.

Broken and shattered Western countries, as well as international organisations, increasingly look to countries like China (with its trillions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves). Some countries need to realize that the advantages of trade are not intrinsic - just like the advantages of an unregulated financial system are not inherent.

Finally on trade, from Paul Krugman we have that just because one country efficiently produces a product or service, there is not necessarily any reason to label that product or service as a necessary import by any other country. Car manufacturing in countries like Australia and the US is in a moribund state. However better performing Japanese manufacturers do not have intrinsic competitive advantage. From this it can be seen that increasing protection and decreasing trade keeps alive the inherent creative urge that drives a country. At the right time, protectionism actually encourages optimism and keeps alive the possibility of prosperity. Prosperity is what free trade is supposed to be all about. It is also what protectionism is about.

Another key concept of the contemporary world is that of democracy. Like trade, democracy is not intrinsically good.

When the majority of a population has ill-will in mind they then vote into power a leader that will fulfil their negative intentions. An example of this mechanism is found in your average failed marriage. Happiness finds the happy and misery attracts the miserable. If I am just managing to keep a lid on a sea of negative emotions I might like to avoid them by getting married. Like attracts like. My partner will be of the same ilk, and we will spray each other joyously with our wounds.

Hitler was democratically elected by a Germany full of little Hitler’s. Ah yes we elect a leader to fulfil our dreams. Just look at the last democratic election in the Palestinian Territories. Hamas was branded by the West as a veil for violence. Hamas shortly afterwards showed their true colours in a wave of violence and brutality. Hence they now run the Gaza Strip.

Admittedly the situation is not so simple. An obvious issue that is raised is based on innocence. For example some people repeatedly marry and divorce only for money. Is not the victim innocent? Hamas ran a very sophisticated mainstream political campaign. Was not the electorate deceived by the violent gang that Hamas afterwards revealed itself to be?

A partial answer to deception is truth by transparency. If a person or organisation has unethical, illegal, or violent intentions, then a system that reveals that this is the case is paramount; hence the importance of a free press and open access to information about the workings of any governing body.

If a couple are fighting before they get married and then they fight after they get married and then they get divorced, they may (like many) be surprised at the outcome. We so often hide from the obvious out of emotionally based blindness and compulsion. However at least the divorced couple can see that there was nothing sinister or criminal about the failed marriage. No deception took place. The truth was not hidden, rather people were hiding from the truth.

In order to avoid the harming of innocents, whether they be romantics looking for love or a country looking for a leader, it is important that fact be separated from fiction.

The healthy functioning of the concept of democracy is predicated by two factors. Firstly, the general population needs to be sane. Secondly, people with vast power are vulnerable to going insane. Hence the average sane person can see when a politician is a megalomaniac (for example Robert Mugabe of shattered Zimbabwe). Democracy would have been a great institution in the time of Stalin in the Soviet Union, or Mao in China, or the Khmere Rouge in Cambodia. It was not however helpful in the time of Hitler’s Germany. This theme points to the importance of multi-lateral relations between countries to keep in check any rogue country (or countries) – whether it (they) be democratic or not.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Following Osho's Vision

Where has Osho gone? If he is in all his peoples hearts, why are they not dancing together rejoicing? His message is tangible. It is that religiousness and life are not separate: that religion is not dull, and life is not empty. It is a message often repeated but difficult to embody.

In the absence of the Master celebrations can become empty or hypocritical. Without the blessing of the Master going inwards can become an idea rather than an experience. Yet those who have crossed his way or read or heard his wisdom can capture Osho’s spirit and his vision.

Without the presence of the Master the crowd easily disperses and the seekers move forth in fits and spurts. The path can become full of doubt and despair. In the vibrant celebration of the throngs of followers, and in the settling calmness that follows, humanity propels and is propelled by a collective field of energy. The energy field of the Master and the gathering create the sacred space for empty hearts to be filled, and for timid tigers to leap forth.

Understand this clearly, Osho is the indivisible collection of three things: himself; his teachings; and his people. If his people are split than Osho is fractured. It is like careering down the road in the middle of a moonless night with one headlight shining off to the right and the other shining off to the left. The driver is blind to what is directly in front.

There of course can be different groups of Osho’s people. There may be an exclusive resort or a sadhus thali stop - more rich of course would a sacred space be that welcomes and embodies all types of seekers. However this issue of accepting differences is different to the division of us and them, of friends and foe. How foolish it is to have as an enemy a fellow traveller on the path. How can such a blind person not lose their way?

There are those whose ego’s stand on the road in front of Osho’s fleet of rolls-royces, deflecting and splitting the headlights to the left and right. They stand tall on the highway facing the travelling caravan. Yet the Master does not stand and face his people. The light of wisdom leads the way and shines forth into the mysteries beyond. The Master does not blind followers eyes. Rather, the great light shines forth so that others may also see.

Some travellers veer off the road to the right. Other travellers veer off the road to the left. Naturally one should not travel blind into darkness. Better to travel by lesser light into the gutter and then along a rough dirt track…hmmm. The journey does not stop and after a while the great ego’s will stand tall in a cloud of dust.

I just say that for the dispersed and dusty voyager, Osho’s paved autobahn lies just to the right or the left. Egos of destruction will in time deflate. How long can one be a megalomaniac standing on a dusty, dark, and barren highway – a highway that once led somewhere and is now forever disused: new travellers will pave new paths. Of course these lost souls are welcome to join the end of Osho’s convoy, for they will need the support and guidance.

Life is a festival of carnivals and silences.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Overall Well-Being

It seems that the world is falling in. Is it really? Grand and fear striking similes and metaphors abound: an economic national security emergency; a financial tsunami; the Great Depression 2.0.

Firstly lets take a look at personal psychology. The term recession seems to not have the same psychological association as depression does, however they are of the same nature. If you take a look at what is driving stock-markets and investors helter skelter, experts repeatedly say that the behaviour does not fit with fundamentals. Also, a little bit of good or bad news tends to go a long way. People are literally in a manic emotional state.

Take a look at the behaviour pattern of financial executives. Essentially they have for years been prepared to take on increased (even absurd) risk for the sake of additional profits. The downside possibility would know doubt have been in the back of their minds, but ignored. Some of these financial executives decided to hedge their bets by taking out insurance: credit default swaps. However the contagion consumed this cautiousness because the people giving out insurance ignored the possibility that they might have to pay out an insurance claim. It is like giving out fire insurance with the idea that money can be made because fires never happen. Insurance brokers however argue that they were covering financial products that will never get burnt, let alone destroyed, by fire. To this there is a very simple response. Why on earth would companies actually pay out millions and billions and trillions of dollars for insurance cover if there was no credible underlying risk? The very fact of the existence of a voluminous credit default swap market is proof that financial executives knew, but in general ignored, the underlying risk that mortgage-related debt products would go bad.

What is the psychological pattern operating in any gambler (or addict for that matter)? The gambler focuses their mind more and more on winning, and ignores the common-sense knowing that the odds are stacked against them. In the back of their minds they know they can’t win, but they have to ignore this. They ignore this because they need to focus on winning. They need to focus on winning because there is an underlying emotional issue that they cannot face. When the gambler inevitably loses, they get a little taste (or wave) of the overwhelming emotional sea that they dare not jump into. In time the addict or gambler can develop the skills, understanding, and most importantly awareness, to tackle what lies hidden in the basement of their mind.

When people in the developed countries the world over accumulate massive levels of debt they do so out of compulsion - this refers to consumer (credit card) debt and household debt, business debt, and government debt. If when I am sitting in my little granny-flat staring at a furniture-less wall, I go crazy. Hence what I do is pick up one of the credit-card brochures lying around, I go out, and I buy a plasma television. Now on those lonely nights I simply stare at the blaring screen in order to both occupy and numb my mind. A zen monk on retreat simply stares open-eyed at a wall. In time (and in fact in a very short time) the wall becomes the mirror to see what lies just beneath your usual waking mental state. A zen master may well watch television, but has seen all the shows on their inner-tv.

No doubt up to a certain level the basic stuff of modern life contributes to wellness of being. However the golf tripping, spa resort frolicking financial executives that are the pillars of financial deconstruction are addicted to indulgence. I recall one such executive saying that he recently had the worst week of his life. Now he was not talking about the state of his bank account. He was talking about his emotional state; he was talking about his very own personal depression.

Am I getting you lost here?

Economic growth is the very foundation of modern society, so it seems anyway. If the world goes into a global recession, or perhaps a global depression, why is this occurring? Here it might help by recalling that strategic tipsters backed the African continent (and not Asia) to become the great emerging economic giant of the 20th century. Rather than prospering, Africa however slipped into decades of violence, destruction, and genocide. Asian countries on the other hand became the developing potential superpowers.

Why were the tipsters wrong? Africa had the potential to prosper. It had the natural resources, the people, and the technology (especially if it harnessed the technology gains from other parts of the world) to create a prosperous society. At both an individual and collective level, the ability to create a vibrant and harmonious social web gave way to violence and destruction. At both the individual and collective level, a vast body of emotional discontent (rage) that was lurking in the unconscious, came to the surface. In a domino effect one persons rage can infect a village, a village can affect a region, a region a country, a country a continent.

The theme of a spreading emotional darkness is juxtaposed historically by the moral fabric of society. The minds of people have the intellectual understand of what is essentially right and wrong ingrained in them. What can make a moral code deeper is the understanding, rather than just the repetition, of what is right and wrong. What can foster this understanding is the nurturing of human consciousness. A meditator instrinsically develops the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, between good and bad.

An individual that cultivates their own consciousness does two things. Firstly, as mentioned, an understanding develops about morals, about ethics, about values. Secondly the more a person becomes conscious (aware) the more they create a separation from what they are observing. And when a person can detach themselves from the emotion that is going on inside them, they are less involved or caught up in this emotion. They can see that for example the anger, although remarkably unpleasant, is a passing emotional state. Society can provide the tools to help people express this emotion in a safe and perhaps even creative (rather than destructive) way. Traditional meditation already provides the tools to observe the emotions if they are not excessively strong for any particular person at that time.

America is considered a modern superpower. It is also projected to slide into recession, and is fighting to stave off a repeat of the Great Depression. However if I were to travel to America, I would still see all the basic stuff that creates a galloping economic growth rate. All the basic stuff is still there! There are all the raw materials are still there. All the people are still there. All the technology that explains how to put the raw material together to create a great society is still there.

While all the people are there, what is their individual and collective mental capacity? Some of the intellectual geniuses of Wall Street no doubt had high IQ’s. However some of their decisions showed profound lack of intelligence and foresight. Also, now that they can not preoccupy their mind with financial work, some of them will be hitting the drink to stave of their personal depression. If I were to test the IQ of an unemployment Wall Street financial wizard the morning after a binge, I think the results would be pitiful. In order to ignore his or her own personal issues, this person has gone down the road of financial destruction that reverberates around the country and the world - at financial, economic, and social levels.

If any group of people go down the path of collective greed, then when they finally see the possibility that this may end, fear strikes. Ultimately the fear is that they have to face what they have been avoiding: themselves. Deep down, every single person has a sense of what is in their unconscious. When a magnetic and collective wave of fear occurs, the end result is a collective depression: for example the Great Depression.

Whether or not the current global recession turns out to be global Great Depression 2.0 is primarily based what is in the collective unconscious: the sum total of all the stuff we carry around inside us that we are not able, or are not willing, to see.

On a brighter note, it does not have to turn out this way. As mentioned there are tools that can be employed. Also, society is currently geared in a way that puts the preeminent focus on gross domestic product (GDP) and economic growth. A counterpart needs to be developed that acknowledges the deeper aspects of what it is to be human. Sure life would be (and is) tough without the basics of life that many people take for granted: hygienic food, sanitized water, adequate shelter, sewerage removal systems, and education and health care facilities. However beyond this an increase in material well-being does not necessarily equate with an increase in overall well-being - and often leads to an inverse relationship: obesity for example.

The indicator of GDP should have a counterpart called OWB (Overall Well-Being). OWB essentially explores the subtleties of what it is to be human: what it is to be civilized, and what it is to be spiritual or religious. When for example an economic recession or depression is looming, GDP may well spike. However OWB will take a serious nosedive. After a little while people dust themselves off after the crash, forget about their share losses, and thank themselves that they are still alive. OWB starts to improve. People start developing the urge to reconnect with friends who are also hiding in their own personal depression. The urge to create a little bit out of the mess around them rekindles the spirit, and GDP starts its long steady move towards the next precipice. However this time, if society places more focus on factors other than just material or economic well-being, the fall won’t be so bad. Also, there are skills that people can develop that emphasise and contribute to overall well-being. People can learn how to express and even watch the emotional stuff that stunts their creativity, their intelligence, and their spirit.

The focus on economic growth and consumerism becomes a self-fulfilling tragedy. Emphasise the material, and people focus more on the material to avoid the immaterial emptiness. Filling peoples hearts and nourishing their souls cannot be without the values and freedoms that are the cornerstone of any modern and democratic society. However this is just the foundation. A great tower is not built simply by putting foundations on top of the foundation. Such a construction simply collapses under its own weight. The modern social structure will become a highrise as the emphasis moves towards empathy and compassion towards fellow humans and the world at large. Examples of this are the focus on workplace and occupational health and safety; acknowledging and addressing mental health needs; and confronting the degradation of the planet from pollution. The upper floors of the grand towers of post-modern society are not burdened with concrete and steel. They are filled with flowers and mirrors and singing and dancing.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pilot Flies Blind

So the global financial crisis is global. That appears to be one unchanging conclusion in recent weeks. We have key organisations and figures hammering out a global solution over the last few days in Washington. The International Monetary Fund has met, and has denounced the G-7 proposal to the crisis as weak and ineffectual: essentially a statement of ideals rather than clear, pragmatic actions. The reason for the ineffectual outcome can be seen simply by looking at Europe’s collective response. In a nutshell countries have such diverse opinions and interests that genuine agreement can only be at the vague, fundamental level. Admittedly consistency at the most fundamental level - that of ideology - has been thrown out the window.

At least this is a better situation than in Zimbabwe. There, the two main political organisations finally agreed to specifics to move forward. The downfall came when President Mugabe blatantly ignored the agreement and went his own tyrannical way. If I wasn’t such a sceptic I would say that Robert Mugabe has taken some political lessons from the recently appointed Pakistan president - Asif Ali Zardari. Make a few deals and than double-cross your way to power!

With either mixed responses or vague principals at the collective level, something of importance is to look at key individual players in this game. So if there is a chief pilot, who would it be? Unfortunately the answer is the US Secretary Treasury Hank Paulson. I say this because the crisis comes from the US super-power. Also, the US president is too unpopular and distrusted to take the wheel.

So how is the chief pilot going? Firstly, for a week or so he faced everyone from the congress to the media waving a finger-pointing clenched fist and shouting We need this financial rescue package Now! So with built expectations on this immediacy, when he finally gets his way he says that it will take some weeks (and months) to work out the maths formula to spend the money to save the country and the world Now! I would say that the pilot crashed on that one.

Hank managed to survive this crash. What did he do next? Well he decided that in any case the great plan that he devised wasn’t such a good idea after all. Hmmm…after a great deal of ‘trust me I know what I am doing’ and $700 billion US dollars later, he decides to do what he said all along was a bad idea: take an equity stake in banks and other financial institutions by injecting capital. Well I don’t have a golden parachute, but from what I have seen, any parachute will be just fine.

Friday, October 3, 2008

America: The Road Ahead

All eyes looking at the road ahead are popping out with dollar signs emblazoned. The big question is will the bail-out package, now passed and signed into law, actually pass the test. However there has been a tunnel vision in the last couple of weeks: the apocalypse is here and it is big and we gotta fix it now!

Look at what has just happened to the financial crisis across the Atlantic. Instead of a government brokered (and government insured) deal with Citigroup, Wachovia has received a considerably better offer from Wells Fargo.

What are other people saying about the big picture? Paul Krugman, a columnist for the New York Times advocates the formation of a Works Progress Administration, although he is not so optimistic about this becoming a reality. Also on the issue of where to from here, Congressional House Representive George Miller explained that there’s a pent-up demand…for infrastructure.

Several recent infrastructure failings in the United States have tragically caused loss of life. In August 2007 the interstate bridge over the Mississippi river collapsed in Minneapolis. A couple of weeks earlier a century old steam-pipe exploded in New York city.

Developed countries throughout the world are reaching the stage where their developments are nearing their used-by dates. Further, a lot of large-scale construction has been done without an emphasis on maintenance and replacement (including de-commissioning). Inaccessible piping is a good example. The cost and work involved in maintenance, de-commissioning, or replacement is substantial and therefore not very interesting – to anyone, whether it be engineers or government officials.

Importance needs to be given to incorporating design for maintenance. Also, in the inevitable event of infrastructure (old buildings for example) being declared unfit for repair, design for demolition becomes another critical factor - ease of removing old, dilapidated buildings for example.

The financial rescue package will slow, but not stop, the steady descent of the American economy. Other factors will determine just how much cushion there is when the economy hits rock bottom.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Prophet Ross

Yesterday was going to be a relaxing day. Knowing that the financial quake from the failed US Wall St bailout was of tsunami forming proportions, you might be inclined to ask why. The answer is that I am blessed enough not to have any finances to lose. So what went wrong with my day? The answer is Prophet Ross.

Prophet Ross is (or should I say was) known in the general Australian community as Professor Ross Garnaut. Doctor Garnaut is an Economics professor acting as special advisor to the Australian government in climate-change. Though when he hands down his reports, all activity usually grinds to a halt, his latest report was delayed for a couple of hours as the tsunami coming across the Atlantic took centre stage. Nonetheless, the latest report was delivered.

Eagerly I awaited listening to an expert in economics explain the nuances of the road ahead on this hot issue. It would make a nice change from the boring rhetoric that has been making the rounds…or so I thought.

After a little introduction the Professor of Economics explained that if I didn’t take him seriously I would be ‘haunted till the end of time’. I was taken aback. Being haunted all the eternal years ahead did not seem so appealing. However he had my attention now. Fortunately he quickly went on, in his capacity as the most senior expert on the issue of climate-change (with respect to economics) in Australia, to say that there was a ‘saving grace’. Well hallelujah!!

Prophet Ross is born, or should I say born again. Admittedly ‘the end of time’ sounds reasonably intelligent and professional, but ‘haunted’? Though I don’t mind a laugh at blatant stupidity, it is important to note that the word ‘haunted’ has distinctly religious undertones. And then to come up with a ‘saving grace’. Wow this guy Prophet Ross really is a climate-change crusader.

On the international scene however Prophet Ross cannot compete with Al Gore. Al has been rallying the troops for some time now, and since he did not seek the US presidency I have been wondering what will become of him. However a few days ago, Al Gore raised the climate-change crusade ante by making a call to arms. He said that it was now time for civil disobedience.

The question is, how can tomorrow be a better day? Hopefully Rudd the Dudd will achieve advaita (non-dual) bipartisanship with Saviour Malcolm. In this case Prophet Ross and Saviour Malcolm can join forces with Al War Gore. That would make for an interesting tomorrow.

So there you have it. My planned day watching other people lose their hard earned money was thwarted by karma, or should I say the devil? Tomorrow never comes but let me see what sort of today tomorrow is.

Monday, September 29, 2008

new blog

Australia's Saviour Malcolm

Someone should kindly inform Saviour Malcolm that he was elected to his latest post by the national Liberal caucus, not the Australian people. The rhetoric of the last week, that has (hopefully) peaked this morning, has him strongly urging the prime-minister to work in a bipartisan way. It seems that the problems in Australia have become so severe that Saviour Malcolm has made himself available to work with the government to solve the crisis. Thanks Saviour Malcolm!
Did you know, he says, that the Republicans and Democrats in the United States have pulled together to save their country…hmmm…really? Firstly the Bill that poses to be America’s saviour failed to pass the congressional House of Representatives. Yep, those guys in the US are really pulling together…especially the House Republicans and Republican president Bush. Secondly, all the bill would do is make the downward financial and economic trend longer and flatter, rather than shorter and steeper.

Both major parties in the US are working together on this one for two reasons. Firstly, with the vast majority of the population against the bill, neither party wants to be labelled as the party that supported it. Secondly, so it seems, the majority of the elected legislature is against it; so the bill needs bipartisan support in order for its passing.

Saviour Malcolm is standing so high up on his pedestal that he cannot see the significant difference between the US and Australian financial system. Please for the sake of the nation come together as one and save the populous from the devastation that is consuming us all (says our newly born Saviour Malcolm). The US financial crisis is serious, and all the talk about saving Main Street misses the point that the troubles on Main Street were the starting point for revealing the high-rolling stupidity of Wall Street. However this is no excuse for Saviour Malcolm to give up his post as opposition leader and form a coalition of the unified transcendent.

Admittedly the overall economies have notable similarities – burgeoning levels of household debt and a deep trade connection with China for example – that indicate both economies will track similarly over the next few years. However as far as a great rescue from Saviour Malcolm, no thanks. In this interconnected world, perhaps Saviour Malcolm can pull a few strings for them folks over in the States?

Please do not misunderstand me here and think that I am railing against the Liberal party, and am hence demonstrating partisanship. To illustrate that I, like Saviour Malcolm, am being bipartisan, I have a prime-ministers forecast. History will show that the PM will not become known as Kevin 07; nor will he become known as 747 Kevin; our bungling, cliché prone, foggy sighted, ‘in-action man’ PM will become known as Rudd the Dudd!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tasty Morsels

Tast Morsels from German Bakery

The following seeks to provide insight into the workings of a religious movement - or should I say a religious derailment (or even worse, hijacking) - by an account of several anecdotes.

A European lady recounted a deeply tragic situation that happened to her in the early 90’s in Koregaon Park. She explained that while attending the (then) commune, she was staying outside in a residential complex likened to a budget hostel. A man staying at the hotel spiked her drink with an ‘upper’ – as opposed to the date-rape style drug.

As often happens this overwhelmed her mind and she was unable to come out of the mentally disturbed state as the drug wore off. It is like the drug flicked a few neural switches, and they were unable to switch back. In this disturbed state she went to the commune for help. She arrived at the welcome centre, and the connection with some familiar and friendly faces started bringing her back. She said that there was a sense that this nurturing environment, and her own strength, was all she needed to get better.

Unfortunately a decision came from management to send her to the nearby hospital. No doubt a ‘crazy’ woman at the entrance to the commune would not look so good for business. Against her will the doctor prescribed and gave her a cocktail of drugs. She said that the combination of feeling like she’d been thrown out of her ‘home’, the forceful nature of her being administered remedying drugs, and the drugs themselves (on top of whatever drug she was given in the first place), left her deeply disturbed. She was sent from the hospital back to her home country. Also, she was banned from the commune! This experience left a very deep physical and emotional impression on her for years to come.

After several years in her home country she returned to Pune. She found out that the man that gave her to drug had previously done the same thing to several other women. Also, he continued to do this to women after her. She also found out that sometime before her arrival in Pune, he had died: in simple terms his stomach exploded from a cocktail of drugs.

The way this woman was treated is in itself despicable. However in doing so what it does is to cover up the real cause of the problem. This man had done the same thing to other women, and by covering up the problem so as not to harm the commune’s image, more women were subject to this horrific crime.

This rings bells with me. I tried to bring management to the attention of drinking water contamination during the monsoon rains. I was banned, threatened and assaulted. This is in itself despicable. However in doing so for years to come people have been drinking contaminated water during the monsoon.

To in running a business cover up crimes is itself a crime. Just ask some Chinese government and business officials who have got themselves involved in the milk melamine debacle.

Another anecdote in the early 90’s is about a man who left Pune, changed his name, and went into hiding. Essentially the person just disappeared and has not been heard of since. It is said that he new something that led him to fear for his life. If he was to talk about it to anyone than the people it concerned would know that he talked. If there is any truth in this than what he witnessed or knows about must be very serious indeed.

I read Swami Rajneesh’s book – Tears of the Mystic Rose. He had a tough time in Pune I. Probably it was fortunate he didn’t go to The Ranch I. However he went to Pune II. It was at around the same time as the above mentioned incidents that Swami Rajneesh was repeatedly threatened and assaulted (early 90’s). It is likely that some of the incidents can be put down to personal differences. However from reading the book there is a sense that there was a campaign against Swami Rajneesh that came from management, and further that some of the threats and physical violence could possibly have been initiated from their. Swami Rajneesh was verbally threatened, physically assaulted, and threatened with a knife.

It is interesting to note a parallel here with my situation. There is a clear campaign by resort management against me. Also, I have the view that I have been threatened in writing, verbally threatened, physically threatened, physically assaulted, and threatened with a knife. Further, it is clear to me that this has been directed from resort management, and indeed in part carried out by resort management.

I will recount here one final tasty tid-bit from the German Bakery. After arriving in Pune late 2007, I had several months of issues with the resort. The front-line for the resort is Dhyanesh. It probably would not have been too difficult for people around Koregaon Park to find out that I had issues with the resort, and with Dhyanesh in particular.

One evening at the German Bakery a European man sat down across from me and engaged me in conversation. He started out by acknowledging he was in general aware that I had some sort of drama going on with the resort. Then he recounted a situation that happened some decades before (some time in Pune I).

A man committed suicide (jumping off of something) outside the commune. The European man was first on the scene. He said there was little he could do. An Indian person soon on the scene drove the person to hospital. However he was pronounced dead on arrival. The European man left Pune a few days later.

Now here is where the story gets interesting. Interpol turned up in Koregaon Park to investigate the death. There were two people murdered in Goa just before this death, and the gentleman who committed suicide had been in Goa at the time and had then travelled to Pune, and died. The situation is that Interpol believed that the person in mention travelled to Goa from Pune, committed the two murders, and then came back to Pune and committed suicide. However this situation became complicated.

As I understand from the conversation, Dhyanesh told Interpol that the European gentleman and the deceased were friends and were living in the same residence. Also, Dhyanesh told Interpol that the European gentleman had murdered the person who had actually committed suicide. So whilst the European gentleman was off travelling, Interpol was investigating him for murder. Fortunately the investigation led to Interpol contacting an acquaintance of the European man, who explained to Interpol that this clearly was not the case: the situation was that the European man was first on the scene of a suicide.

So for me, after two months of dramas with Dhyanesh and the resort, it became clear that the European man sitting across from me that evening in the German Bakery was telling this story not for his own gratification, but to warn me. It did leave me considerably worried. I said to him that if Dhyanesh had tried to set him up for a murder, that this was extremely serious: that it wouldn’t be much fun languishing in an Indian prison as a convicted murderer. I wanted to know what came out of it. He explained that well it was some decades ago, and that Interpol (and no doubt the Indian police) had limited investigative capability. However I said that for sure Interpol would still have a record of this. He agreed with me.

A long-time sannyassin that was very close to Osho told me once that Osho (Bhagwan Rajneesh) left Pune I because a number of people had taken over the place and were destroying it. Obviously (and unfortunately) some of those with abuse of religious power on their agenda followed him to The Ranch in Oregon, America. After the destruction of The Ranch by a small but powerful gang of criminals, Osho eventually found himself back in Koregaon Park for Pune II. However it seems to me very likely that again a small but powerful gang of criminals has been wielding a worsening formula of violence against innocent and authentic Osho sannyassins and devotees.

Granted in any organisation, especially so in a religious one, there will be disagreement and in-fighting. However what has happened at The Ranch, what appears to be happening in Pune II, and what may well have happened during Pune I, goes beyond the bounds of normal religious politics. I am of the view that criminality, and a very serious form of it, has weaved a thread through all the decades that a great Master and his beloved followers have shared the most sacred of journeys.

Unfortunately the profound messages of injustices - from individual tragedies to the destruction of the Buddha Hall pagoda - have not yet brought about change. On the issue of the pagoda, unless there was some health and safety issue, there are no grounds for this to have occurred – and even if, like the fabric (and perhaps metal structure) of the tent, there was an issue, this could easily have been addressed with due care. Osho was very clear that the inner-circle was an administrative body, not a spiritual one. Also, the management team in India clearly does not have a spiritual function. Hence there are absolutely no grounds for the destruction of the pagoda. Only a Master can make that choice! This wilful act of destruction is a most grave encroachment of managerial decision making into matters of spirituality.

Who at the resort operates in the capacity of making (supposedly) excessively attached devotees of Osho learn from their attachment? Indeed like the removal of all the photos of the ‘dead guy’ from the resort, some spiritual tourists may not like the religious sentiment of a beautiful pagoda in the surrounds – bad luck!

While it is outside the scope of any managerial group to rule on matters of the spirit, they do have a primary duty to protect whatever legacy of the spirit Osho left behind – whether that is his words, his ashes, his pagoda, or indeed is samadhi (whatever it may now be called!).

The inner-circle is a body with legal status. Others that have sought power at any cost have worked their way up in what is now called ‘management team India’. Some of these people have from their hard work also made it into the inner-circle. Other than by Osho himself fighting Sheela and her gang (rather than instead going into a prolonged period of silence), the only way for the Sheelites to be removed from their murderous rule was by the law.

Unfortunately I do not think Osho is going to visit us any time soon. The majority of the original inner-circle members that he himself appointed are no longer members. The current inner-circle, though smaller in size, continues to have new recruits. Members of management team India continue to jostle amongst themselves as well. While this complex web of power games plays itself out, there is a growing and considerable consensus of opposition within the Osho sannyass community against the inner-circle and its affiliated foundations – Osho International Foundation (supposedly the publishing wing) for example.

Osho organisations in India and abroad are becoming a considerable political force. This applies growing pressure to a resort that caters for the exclusive (or should I say exclude-sive) in a world that is heading into a global recession. The long-term strategic direction of Pune II is at odds with the current economic climate, and the effects of this are already being played out.

Though the resort looks great, it actually needs to invest significant money into neglected basic infrastructure. I am quite sure the place is not awash with the funds necessary to do this. Instead, over the last few years a great amount of financial resources have been allocated to making the place look great, while the underlying problems remain unaddressed. Does this ring any bells with the account I gave about the women who was drugged so many years before?

The last point I would like to make is that though Osho’s place in Pune needs to have in part a commercial orientation – to remain soundly economically viable - the place is not there to make money. This is not the primary objective. It, like any authentic spiritual sanctuary, is first and foremost a resting place for pilgrims on the path.

I suppose that at his stage it can only be said….to be continued!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Slip and Fall

Where lies the truth?
So many times it is asked,
yet we are with it all along.

This awareness that sees and feels,
this being present to whatever is happening,
seems as impotent as it is familiar.

What of God or Enlightenment
could be in being aware of
this act, this thought, or this feeling?

Yet if this awareness is intensified,
if the preoccupation with what we are aware of -
a beautiful person or a scrumptious sweet -
is redirected, a transformation begins.

What really is it in an outward
obsession that binds us to it?
What is in our body, mind, and heart,
when we focus on outer gain?

A gathering wave of awareness
penetrates and breaks down
the worlds apparent harshness.

Like rocks worn away
by the vast winds of nature,
our illusion of troubles
will reveal their secret lie.

The radiant light of awareness
sees the dissolution of our troubles,
our thoughts, feelings, body,
and even the subtle vibrations
that permeate our body.

When this happens that truth is revealed.
Consciousness has almost lost all objects.
Our ego the subject is threatened.

All of a sudden
awareness slips from the bind
of the world as we know it:
almost like being sucked
into the infinite vacuum
of a black hole.

Though the candle has blown out
an infinite presence is.

No thought, no feeling,
no body, no self is here.

Panic sets in and
the thread of the self
scrambles to pull itself
out of the abyss.

It is almost like the dew drop
that slips off the lotus leaf
is denied its full emersion
in the infinite oceanic diamond
by the vacuum of fear and ego.

This awareness that some proclaim
to be a manifestation of the physical,
is surely too ordinary to be what all we seek.
We no not that by standing in our own
seemingly insignificant awareness,
we stand next to God.

What else would be
the way to God the all-seeing,
than the outpouring of the seeing
that we possess.

In short we are scared of the divine;
scared because we as we no ourselves
do not exist.

It is alive,
it is infinite,
it is unmoving,
it is eternally now,
it is existence,
it is the ultimate

Sunday, September 21, 2008

McCain Aint Stupid

Before beginning to explain the title I should clarify that and say that either he or whoever is whispering in his ear aint stupid.

The long wind of the presidential race had a predictable path. George Bush was (and is) so out of favour with the general population that whichever Democrat wins the primary is a sure bet for the big job.

Along the way something of importance did tempt fate to change its course: the surge worked. Now some critics, including Obama, say that there were other important factors that contributed the improved conditions in Iraq - in particular the Awakening Council of Sunni muslim groups that turned against the violent insurgent movement. However even on this point it should be noted that the increased pressure being applied by the American military is arguably a significant reason for the forming of the Awakening Council.

A little side note here about Barack Obama’s world tour. After emerging from meetings with the leadership in Iraq, the president to-be made a great raucous about him and the big chiefs in Iraq converging on a pull-out timetable. However he probably didn’t make such a drama about the fact that he never discussed the issue with the big cheeses. Also, at any point during the (so far) years long Iraq war his position has been to pull-out ‘soon’. Hence when with the drastically improved situation leading the Iraq government to feel strong enough to consider this as an option, big boy Barack says him and the big cheeses are on the same wavelength. However while they may be on the same wavelength, they are on different planets. Barack Obama’s policy was to winning or losing pull-out. This is a far cry from pulling out after winning.

So back to the main theme. Though George Bush had a significant win in Iraq – that probably surprised him as much as all the critics – he has had a significant loss on the home front. The economy is being battered by more than the occasional hurricane. All the talk is about propping up the high-rollers on Wall Street so as not to have the problem spread to Main Street. However to the many people doing it rough, including all those that couldn’t make their mortgage repayments and hence started the Wall Street crisis, things on Main Street are already pretty much trashed.

All that the Democrats had to do was ride the wave of public sentiment against the Republican establishment. Part of that wave was for Barack Obama to appoint Hilary Clinton as his running mate. Not doing this move allowed McCain to pull a swifty. By appointing any women that is at least able to give a better public speech then him he rides the wave of disenchantment that Obama created. This was Obama’s first wrong move, and this was McCain’s first big move.

When George Bush announces a rescue package to rescue the world-wide Wall Street high-rollers from their collective drunken stupor, Obama throws his support behind the move. Admittedly in some way the Congress will likely pass some form of the bill, with Republicans and Democrats both voting either way. However McCain has taken the opposing position. So we have the Republican incumbent and Democrat nominee versus the Republican nominee. Even if Congress passes the bill, it will be in largely unpopular. Barack and George become friends and McCain wins out.

It is argued that McCain will likely switch his position at some stage. Even if he does, he still has created a division that he stands to gain much on.

So against all odds I would argue that someone in the McCain camp is pretty smart on strategy – that is not necessarily referring to McCain – and someone in the Obama camp should take some surfing lessons.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pakistan and US

Friends or Foe?
How to make sense of the issue of the growing Afghanistan insurgency base in north-west Pakistan? Following the rhetoric leads to utter confusion.

The first thing that has crystallized is that Pakistan has seen that a growing insurgency base aims itself at Pakistan, not just Afghanistan. There are two consequences of this realization. Firstly the Pakistan government cannot remain complacent and let the problem blow away – or blow into Afghanistan. The second consequence is that if the United States were to escalate its operations into the Pakistan frontier regions than this would have less resistance on the Pakistan side: because Pakistan has sorted out that they have a problem on their own turf and is tacitly thankful for the help.

The Pakistan government tells their people that they think the US is not really very nice, and surreptitiously tells the US, thanks for the help.

The US has been inclined to increase its cross-border operations in large part also because the Pakistan people are becoming more ambivalent due to the pervasive incursion of militancy and terrorism into their society.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Osho Resort Pune

A Summary of Articles

Amrito & Resort Drama: A brief tragic history with evidence that Amrito - Osho’s personal physician (and senior member of the inner-circle) - is (or has been) aware and supportive of my views.

More Resort Drama?: Does the complex web of deception and violence spread beyond the walls of deluded religious grandeur and gross and abhorrent ignorance?

A Sample of Unwellness Yum Yum: Torrential rains drench the resort and stir up the wells; does a run-down water treatment plant spit out contaminated drinking water?

Terrorism & Religious Violence: A perspective on how the Osho community is being terrorized.

Revelations and Responses: Some feedback from resort management, inner-circle members, and the sannyasin community at large. Please note some of the language is offensive.

Report to Police: Assault 2 Was the Eviction Notice that was plastered all over Koregaon Park not received well?

Notice of Eviction: Basically it says kick the buggers out!

Report to Police: Assault 1 The water contamination report was received well at the front-gate!

Water Contamination Report: And remember that the clouds are looming over the resort; indeed I would resort to bottled water if it rains!!!

Introductory Note: Gives a basic picture of negligence at the resort.

Further Reading: Sheela and Who? Gives a more detailed picture of negligence: from water, to water in food, to food, and beyond…

A Funny Email: Funny to some is not funny to others!

Notes to NATO

In recent days Georgia has forwarded recorded mobile telephone taps of border guards at the Russia to South Ossetia checkpoint. In the last week this information has been passed to government officials, including those of the United States. Intelligence officials in the United States, and no doubt other countries and organisations, are conducting an analysis into the essential question of “who fired the first shot?” in the Georgia versus Russia war.

The Georgian president is now passing around the telephone taps that supposedly show that the Georgian assault on the South Ossetian capital was a response to a Russian invasion. It is quite remarkable that Saakashvili (the Georgian president) did not make mention of this earlier. It is even more amazing that this crucial information - that was within hourse of being received (by the intelligence community) passed on to senior members of the Georgian government, and upon which a decision was to go to war in response to an invasion – happened to be lost for several weeks in a pile of old intelligence reports.

The final icing on the cake of this amazing saga is that Georgia’s official position until recently was that the idiotic attempt to take back South Ossetia by force was a pre-emptive strike in response to the inevitable Russian invasion. Quite profoundly, the inevitable had actually already happened. It is just the Saakashvili and is intelligent friends lost the record of invasion, and then forgot that the invasion actually happened.

Ground Zero Pollution

September 11: Anniversary of what else?

In his speech for the Republican national convention, George W Bush reminded the United States of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. While giving full acknowledgement to the horrific attack on the World Trade Centre, there is a subsequent set of circumstances that perhaps forgot to mention: the controversy over the pollution from the disaster.

Immediately following the disaster, draft EPA press releases - which were cautionary and inconclusive in nature - required approval by the National Security Council (NSC) - via the Council for Environmental Quality (CEQ). The approved EPA press releases were reassuring in nature: the air was (in general) safe to breathe; it was safe (in general) for people to return to work. However, the fact of the matter is that the cloud of pollution radiating from the collapsed World Trade Centre towers was extremely hazardous.

This is how the story unfolds as I see it from following the media commentary. Approximately one month after the disaster a New York daily newspaper caught a whiff of something through the issuance of requests via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Congressman Jerry Nadler launched his own investigations, and in 2002 released a report: the “white paper”.

Also in 2002, the EPA ombudsman was writing a report that he says would have had similar conclusions to a report written approximately one year later by the Inspector General of the EPA - the ombudsman’s office was closed by the EPA administrator. The Inspector Generals report is said to have emerged due to the “white paper”. The EPA Inspector General’s report indicates that the EPA, and the then EPA administrator (Whitman), gave reassuring sentiments on an ongoing basis regarding the state of water and air pollution in relation to Ground Zero. However, contrary to evidence – including evidence from proposed press releases prior to being vetted by the National Security Council – the collapsing of the World Trade Towers released an extremely hazardous cloud of toxins.

The EPA Inspector Generals report – released in August 2003 – set off a huge public outcry. This lead to the filing of a number of class action lawsuits against the EPA and one or more people in the EPA – including the administrator (Whitman). Regarding one of the class actions, in February 2006 District Federal Court Judge Batts released a damning pre-trial opinion report, thus allowing the trial to continue. Except in situations that ‘shock the conscience’, individual public officials are granted personal immunity. The judge refused to grant the then administrator (Whitman) personal immunity. Also, Whitman was frequently criticised at a US House of Representatives ‘Ground Zero illnesses’ committee hearing in September 2006.

Congressman Nadler repeatedly raised concerns of White House involvement, and urged both Congress and the Department of Justice to investigate the matter. The matter is that the cautionary and inconclusive draft EPA press releases were replaced or amended by allegedly ‘conscience shocking’ NSC approved (via the CEQ) press releases.

The chairperson of the NSC is the President of the United States. At the time, and currently, that person is George W Bush. So it begs the question, as the litigation continues in relation to the allegedly ‘conscience shocking’ actions of the EPA and administrator Whitman, what then of the White House and President Bush; and by the way, who else sits on the National Security Council?

It now being September 2008, progress towards truth and justice on this issue has slowly made ground in the judiciary. One wonders what difference a Democrat in the White House might make?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Few Wise Words

Some words are at such a depth
that to grasp even a few words
leaves one almost burdened
by the weight.

To collect a few words,
or to gather a few lines,
is sufficient for a days excursion.

Words of wisdom keep the mind
directed towards the truth.

A daily infusion
keeps the mind high,
lifts our spirits, and
takes us beyond.

Tonight or For Life?

Some animals mate for life,
while others mate for a night.
Humans are no different.
Our task is to find out
which animal we are.

Preachers espouse celibacy,
wedding vows, and multiplicity.
Our animal nature conforms with our being,
not some ill-formed outsiders view.

Knowing our animal nature
is the first step to understanding
our true nature: from animality,
to humanity, to divinity.

Then we will share,
but never preach.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Path of Love

Though love may clip your wings it will not tether your soul.
Perhaps a little more time need be spent on this earth,
for two birds fly side by side but not together into the sun.

Some earthly pleasures transform desire into love.

To fear love is to walk this earth not knowing our potential to fly.

Though earths garden be beautiful one day we shall meet, in the eyes of a stranger,
a calling to unshackle our spirit and tear off the strips that bind our heart.

Though the path of love be a journey into unfathomable heights,
fear not for many have been swept up in the great winds that cease not.

Glimpse after Glimpse

Though sometimes I wonder
which way is up and down
and which way is back and forth,
not for a single moment
have I not made efforts
to bring awareness to my side:
to shed its light on things.

And I even
manage when possible
to sit still for a time,
without my usual distractions.

Many times I wonder
about the great things
the sages speak of.

And all I can do
is bring awareness
to this thought.

Yet sometimes -
perhaps a late afternoon,
with the sun already
settled beyond the hills -
I pause on my usual late walk
and close my eyes,
only to find that
I am not there.

Only a vast and
pristinely silent mirror Is.

As I stop
everything stops.
Vast eternal stillness,
alluring and alive;
a dustless mirror
reflecting everything -
everything except me.

I am nowhere to be found.
Swept away in the endless tide;
the extinguished flame
reveals eternal light.

Sometime later I am back.
What rekindles the little flame
that extinguishes the eternal sun?

The Colonial Kingdom

It is no coincidence that the
rivers flow of anti-depressants.
It is the hidden side
of the coin of truth.

One side is collective expansion
and was stamped in the colonial era.
The other side is collective contraction
and is called karma.

Be careful of your actions.
In science they say every action
has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Master Laughs

Too stubborn am I to follow
the light of the master.
Yet every cave I enter
has a new jewel.

Like an unravelling maze,
each cave never fails to bring me
to the fresh light of a new day.

Friday, August 29, 2008

A Russian Bias?

In relation to Kosovo, it took the West almost a decade of diplomacy and negotiation to bring about the change from autonomy too widespread acknowledgement of independence. The intervention by NATO in 1999 to prevent further ethnic cleansing in Kosovo by Serbian forces, the likes of which occurred in Bosnia, has been historically vindicated. However the Russian claim of genocide and several thousand South Ossetians deaths failed under post-violence scrutiny. The death toll is put between one to several hundred. Though this be tragic in itself it is important to put this in the context of a build-up in tensions and ongoing military conflict between South Ossetian militia and the Georgian military. The culmination of this fighting led to Georgia’s failed attempt to take the South Ossetian capital by force.

It took Russia not more than a few weeks to declare South Ossetia’s independence. The grounds were given that the invasion by Georgia annulled its legal claim over the region. The Russian President Medvedev argued that this precedence did not occur in relation to Serbia and Kosovo. However it is clearly evident that ethnic cleansing and genocide can be attributed to Kosovo and the Balkans in general. The same cannot be said to be so in the South Ossetian situation.

The argument seems to have some authority that if an ethnically homogonous region within a sovereign state is targeted in a way that constitutes genocide, ethnic cleansing, or crimes against humanity, than that state forgoes its sovereign claim over that region. It is an argument that follows from the United Nations platform of “responsibility to protect”. The argument here is that humanity as a whole as the right, and perhaps the obligation, to intervene in the case of atrocities. The invasion of Tibet happened and went unanswered by major powers. The genocide in Rwanda happened, but was more closely watched. The atrocities committed by the Serbs in Bosnia finally motivated some major powers to intervene in the case of Serbian atrocities in Kosovo.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it might be argued that the mutual crimes committed by the warring South Ossetians and Georgians is sufficient grounds to make the case for eventual independence – as is the case made by some major powers in relation to Kosovo. However Georgia did use major military force to try and bring South Ossetia back into its fold. This further gives grounds to South Ossetian independence, and does justify a military response – in this case from Russia. However especially considering the falsified claims of genocide and ethnic cleansing, Russia’s eventual response has the very clear character of being excessive. The destabilising effect on Georgia was to leave a power vacuum that enabled South Ossetian militia to commit atrocities.

It is within the collective of humanity to transcend all borders; however it is within the abuse of individual power to consume all borders. In order to transcend boundaries humanity must first learn to respect them.

A Western Bias?

That Georgia launched a major military offensive against its own autonomous region is the key issue that did not receive significant attention in Western political and media circles in the initial days of confrontation with Russia. One might assume that Georgia, being a key Western ally, would not be criticized too openly by its friends.

On the eve of the Georgian assault, the United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stood beside the Georgian president Mikhael Saakashvili, and emphasised that diplomacy and not military means was the key to this problems resolution. That night Georgia attacked its own autonomous region of South Ossetia. It is clear from the United States diplomatic response in the coming days – inspite of the Georgian president’s efforts to encourage NATO and the United States to intervene militarily – that Dr Rice was true to her word on the eve of the assault.

In making the attempt to retake control of the autonomous region of South Ossetia, did Mikhael Saakashvili think he would succeed. One key question obviously would be first of all would Russia respond militarily. It would be difficult to find any sane person who is informed of the historical situation to conclude that Russia would not respond in force militarily. Hence, the next question is would the Georgian military defeat the Russian military. On this question I think even most insane and uninformed people would consider this to be an absurd question to even ask. So, quite obviously Russia would intervene and defeat the Georgian military. Hence the question is why would Saakashvili even bother?

Saakashvili attempted to justify his actions by saying that Russia was going to try and take over Georgia anyway, so it was better to lose fighting rather than just lose. This is a very courageous motive. However to carry out a pre-emptive attack on South Ossetia because Russia was any how going to invade Georgia proper is not backed up by any clear evidence.

The Russian response was likened to the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union. However this comparison was incorrect because Czechoslovakia did not launch an initial military assault.

It is clear from the first days of conflict what Saakashvili’s real position was. It was to achieve his goal of retaking control of the break-away regions by encouraging NATO and the United States to confront Russia militarily. However no analyst or political player outside of Georgia considered this even a remote possibility. The Georgian president’s judgement in launching the assault is seriously called into question.

The Georgian’s approach was to play the victim and show Russia as displaying excess use of force. The United States, the European Union, and NATO backed this position diplomatically. Admittedly it filtered out slowly through Western media outlets that an important point was that Georgia started it. However the key point of concern in all of this is that the position of Russia being excessively aggressive was adopted before Russia moved outside of the conflict zone in South Ossetia. This point was almost missed and was eventually pointed out by Mikhael Gorbachev in an International Herald Tribune opinion piece (20 August 2008).

It became clear when the conflict spread to Abkhazia, and Russian troops moved significantly outside the conflict zone, that accusations of aggression may have merit. However Russia was already being accused of aggression prior to this. The grounds for aggression were not evidenced in Russia’s initial response. So the question is why the premature accusations of aggression? Perhaps the West predicted that Russia would take the opportunity to expand its interests and so the West was adopting an early position to reflect this. Even if this is the case this was not stated, and I do not see any reason not to disclose this. In other words a reasonable Western position at the outset would be that Russia stopped Georgia from violently retaking a breakaway region, and please don’t punish Georgia too much for their stupidity. Hence it looks like the West was biased in its initial calling of the situation. If this is the case it would help the West in dealing with Russia, to look at this bias.

Broadening the picture, in the recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia’s independence by the Russian parliament and government, it is worth considering the parallels with Kosovo’s recent independence from Serbia. Russia considers it to be a similar situation. However President Medvedev makes the point that the only key difference, and hence why Russia did not support Kosovo’s independence bid, is that Serbia did not try and crush Kosovo with military force. It would be interesting to know what the West’s position is on this comparison.

Also, in making a premature call on Russian aggression, it would be interesting to compare Russia’s initial response with Israel’s 2006 war against Lebanon. Lebanon abducted two soldiers, and Israel demolished one country. The United States used their veto on an otherwise uniform view at the United Nations Security Council that Israel’s response was disproportionate and excessive.

This article is not aimed at taking sides. It is aimed at the truth. The author is of the opinion that there are some biases taken by key Western players on some major international issues, and that by acknowledging and exploring these, a better understand can lead to a better and more harmonious global outcome.

Beware of the Wave

When suicide bombers were rampant in Iraq people initially were giving thanks that Afghanistan was not similarly afflicted. Then questions started getting raised about why this was the case. In the time that intellectuals on one side of the divide noted and queried the situation, suicide bombers gathered conviction and explosives.

Pakistan became the next significant victim to become deeply ensnarled in a gripping wave of bombings. Opposition to the government realignment with the United States was the impetus. The Red Mosque siege was the tipping point. A newly elected government pledging sovereignty and vowing internal diplomacy provided an interesting experiment. With the US influence waning and intra-national elements negotiating, would the US be proven to be interfering and divisive?

Over the last year the north-west of Pakistan has produced increasing waves of violence. The violence spread west into neighbouring Afghanistan, and east into areas like suburban Peshawar. This gradual encroachment deeper into Pakistan has prompted the newly elected and independent Pakistan government to in recent weeks adopt the former military use-of-force strategy. The Pakistan government’s first major military push against the Taliban demonstrated a considerable underestimation of the Taliban’s growing military might. As well as being overpowered military, the government also not surprisingly was at the receiving end of the threat of a wave of suicide bombings.

As suicide bombings, and bombings in general, have spread from Iraq to Afghanistan, north-west Pakistan, and Pakistan in general, it is notable to consider Pakistan’s easterly neighbour. India has in recent years seen a wave of bombings targeting numerous major cities.

It is fortunate that the violence in Iraq, which it should be noted is most significantly civil in nature, has been considerably reduced. The same cannot be said for Afghanistan. Also, the vastly improved situation in Iraq is considered by many as extremely fragile. The recent Pakistan experiment in diplomacy appears to be short-lived. However the confrontational alternative has known consequences: the spread of violence throughout the country.

If the Pakistan government again makes any serious military effort against the Taliban, the country may be engulfed in violence. The government’s recent moves to confront both the Taliban and the president make for challenging times.

As for India and the globe, I would simply say beware of the wave.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Closing and Opening

Is it not now that the path has reached its end?
Am I not stuck on life’s treadmill of glue and muck?
In a fit of frustration I sit down and weep.
Wiping my eyes I see through their slit;
again I have been fooled by dreams.
Hope is reborn and the path lies ahead.
Travelling forth is a journey into treasures.
Yet I watch my mind for its delusions.

Turn Around

Fools would be wise to listen to their heart.
Yet who has heard of a wise fool.
Alas the journey turns around at the cul-de-sac.
The funny thing is the fool thinks that new adventures await.
The truth is the fool has turned around and
started returning from whence they came.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Golden Key

Where are you….Here!
What are you doing….This!
What is happening….Now!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How Deep?

How Deep?

How deep is
your disappointment?
If your heart asks and
the answer is unknown,
I say how else can one
see what is there…look.

Does rejection
not have an end?
Is it really to fear?

Challenge the depths
of your sorrow to see
if it is bottomless.

Watch the transformation begin.


The only time we touch
is in my dreams.
Let hope not wake
with me this morning.

No more shall I live in sleep.
No more shall I love in dreams.
No more shall I look for
signs of love from you.

I shall go to bed seeking clarity.
I shall wake up seeking clarity.

Finding Love

Can I not open my heart without
opening the Pandora’s box: jealousy.

Fear, possessiveness and
anger reigns supreme.
What is this of love?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Now Transforms All

The future is now.
The past is now.
Planning for the
future happens now.
Reflecting on the
past happens now.

Our worries happen now.
Our joys happen now.
Our acts of virtue happen now.
Our acts of vice happen now.

So many minds,
so many bodies.
How vast is this

This is the first Truth.

The second truth is
that consciousness directs
what happens now
toward the Good.

If we become more aware
of the happening of our vices
they transform into virtues.

What is happening now?
Being in the now.
This is the flow that happens
in the space of I am.
I am present to this.
I am the centre;
the centre is I.

Good is truth transformed.
In this space I am truth and virtue.
The past misdeeds happened
because I was not here.

I am here now,
and this is the strength
that shall be my guide.

Arriving more and more
in truth, good, and beauty.
I am Truth, Good, and Beauty.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Travelling Home

There can be
no greater journey
than the simple things
we do each day.

In any everyday act
can be found more holiness
than a great pilgrimage
to a far away temple.

It is simply a matter of intensity.
That the sacred is in the mundane
can be verified each and every moment,
on each and every day.
The choice is yours.

That which is transformed
is not only the act, it is also you.

We can sit with holy people
or prey in holy places;
yet all we can really understand
is that it is life that is holy.

Though you may sit
at the feet of a master,
understand that you can go home
and touch the centre of the divine.

Run if you may, seek if you like;
however you, your journey, and
that which you journey towards,
is never far away;
it is now and always

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Darkness and Light

Osho in essence left only his words. I would like to say that he left only his wisdom. A lingering scent of a powerful presence fades with time. The force-field that emanates from a sages body is the only true blessing.

How can one expect to share his vision and plot the path that only a visionary can envisage? Osho was as deeply misunderstood by those intimate with him as those polarised by him.

No doubt a few catch phrases and perhaps a mad jig are offered by many in his name. However it is convenient to adopt something seemingly remarkable or insightful. The adopter becomes special and can share their newly acclaimed superiority.

Yet in spite of those who are lost in delusions of love and hate, a great light leaves lesser flames, upon their departure. The vision remains in part in the melting of the people whose hearts have been set on fire. The vision also remains when his words of wisdom unlock the doorway to our own understanding. In this way humanity uses a treasure to find more treasures. A ship is not sunk and no treasure is lost.

There are those that plot a course into darkness in the name of religion. There is a saying that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Look at the modern concept of democracy for example. It stems from the simple understanding that the average citizen can see that even a great leader can easily be blinded by their own delusions of grandeur – and further that given enough time, this outcome is very likely.

People accumulate self or vested interest and then repeat words of wisdom to propagate their deluded self-interest. The truth is repeated to propagate a lie. In this way truth becomes tainted (or at least appears to be so). Any deluded leader can be seen in that their inner world crumbles at the same rate as the world around them. The end result is that in the name of high ideals great suffering is created. However this is not done for fools to learn their lesson. It happens because light has lost a little ground to darkness. At any moment the tide can turn; and it is ironically that it is in any moment that light can surface anywhere (and everywhere). The tide can turn or the sun may rise. It is not right that wrongs happen. Though neither is it wrong that wrongs happen. It simply is that wrong has latent potential and sometimes manifests. Wrongs simply sometimes happen.

A sages words are living wisdom. Truth cannot be distorted nor contaminated. Any one at any time can drink from the well of wisdom and shall always be refreshed and shall never be poisoned. May the light of truth shine not just the way forward for sincere travellers, but also backwards into inhumanity so that they can see themselves for what they are, and others can see them in their rear-view mirror.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fellow Friends

There are those who lift your spirits;
there are those who make your spirit soar;
and there are those that leave you trodden on.

It is true that the essential question
is who am I, but who is it by your side?

Your enemy is your friend
in showing you your faults.
However the journey is much more
than churning through your demons.

Your friends help you sing
when all you want is to weep.
And when you sing
who around you
will want to weep?

Is your neighbour hiding from their spirit?
Keep company with fellow travellers and
keep closest company with yourself.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Who Am I?

Where are you now my friend?
Are you settled into yourself,
or are you running here and their?

The final resting place of the Ganges
cannot be if it were not born a raging torrent,
high in the glacial Himalayas.

And even in its origin the river
knows where it is headed;
just as the vast, peaceful sea
knows its source.

The river knows
that though the journey
is one of nature,
the source is the end,
as the end is the source.

As vast is the sea,
so the mountains are silent.

The essence of who you are -
whether it be called God or spirit -
is dancing along with you,
every step of the way.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Truth Manifest

Truth is too pure to see fiction,
yet fiction cannot hide from the truth.
It is like a shower of rain that is
not troubled on exactly what it falls,
yet everything becomes drenched.

That which is false melts away,
while that which is innocent flowers.

Yet a deceptive mind
can crush the innocent,
weaving a web a delicate intrigue.
For this truth takes not the form
of an abundant raincloud, but rather
of an ominous thunderstorm.

Ah yes truth is pure,
yet it can play games too.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


It might be assumed by some
that my poetry assumes self-mastery and wisdom.
However I make no claims to having attained
any level of spiritual attainment.
Such a claim is false,
and to consider it
is a waste of time.

Rather than being considered
as coming from me, the poems I write
I do so for me.

They are not an expression
of my understanding.
Rather, they are written
to help me understand;
for my own inspiration,
for my own path.

If you read my poetry
and have some connection with it,
then the poetry is written for you
rather than written by me.


Those that reach
great heights in body or mind
sometimes do so at the expense of the spirit;
sometimes to ignore a hurting spirit; and
sometimes in harmony with the spirit.

After the grandeur of the peaks fade,
and when the crowds have all gone home,
perhaps another journey begins.
It is time to wait and see.

If the spirit now calls do not fear;
much has been gathered along the way,
for the journey ahead.

A Few Snippets

The others love is a
glimpse through a keyhole.
It is also the key.

There is a fine line between
being brave and being brazen.

Veils cannot hide the truth
for you are not outside looking in.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Thoughts are etched
on the canvas of the mind.
Dreams are painted
on the petals of the heart.

Too many thoughts and they
become trains of entangling twine.
Too many dreams and a
flowering heart can only
wilt with burden.

Yet given space thoughts
can trace the path of wisdom;
and dreams bring an aliveness
that lets our beings soar
to unknown heights.

What patterns of art
criss-cross my mind?
What flows this way
and that in my heart?

As I ask this question
drop by drop
my little cup of awareness
fills to overflowing;
new tracks are laid,
others untwine,
and still others

Heavy emotions flow
not through my eyes,
but under the gravity of seeing
are consumed like a waterfall
into an endless canyon;
settling in the stillness
of a clear forest pool.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Essence of Patience

The body runs this way,
the mind goes that;
giving sustenance to
a whirlpool of emotions.

A rich sauce cannot be
without much drama on the stove.
If it is time for action then
celebrate the aliveness.

What is a fine cheese
if not matured;
a great wine
if not fermented?

Whether through
action or inaction,
in time the essence
will always be revealed.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Amrito & Resort Drama

The purpose here is to examine what side of the fence Osho’s personal physician sits on, and to provide a summary of my recent involvement with the resort.
The contamination of drinking water was (I assume) first identified in the monsoon of 2004. All the drinking water stations were closed for several weeks. When a sannyassin engineer (Swami Mahasukh) began opening the water stations, there was still periodic contamination of this drinking water. I approached a number of people about my concerns. I sent a copy of some test results to Amrito. There was an apparent technical problem with Amrito contacting me at the ‘Hygiene’ email account. However he could send them to my coordinator. I received at least one email from Amrito. I do not recall the contents of the email.
After January of 2006, I approached Amrito and expressed my concerns about the water treatment system. I said that the consulting microbiologist had explained to me that the 2005 monsoon contamination was worse than the preceding year. I also said that I had changed to drinking resort water, and had been diagnosed with amoebic dysentery. He told me that it was absolutely essential that the water be completely clean, and that he would look into the matter.
In mid-January 2006 I left Amrito a copy of my report into health and safety concerns at the resort. A large part of this report was directed towards addressing water issues. In February of 2006 I phoned Amrito from Bangkok to confirm that he had received my report, and to ask for his feedback. He said that he had received my report, and that it was important to address the problem with the water prior to the (2006) monsoon. He also said that the other issues in the report needed addressing.

In late 2006 I made efforts to contact Amrito and resort management, asking for further feedback about to what extent the issues in the report had been addressed. I never received any reply and this gradually led me to assume that the likely scenario is that a lot of important issues (including water) may have been ignored.

I decided to try and make sannyassins in general aware of the hidden problems at the resort. I opened an information website ( Soon after opening the site I received an email (early 2007) from Amrito saying that some people feel that the resort is the last place I should be right now.

It is a possible that Amrito’s positive response to my Bangkok phonecall was merely an effort to placate me. However from the above information it is reasonably to conclude that Amrito is well aware of the problem with contamination of drinking water at the resort. I understand that he is meticulous with personal hygiene, and also secured funding to upgrade the water treatment system at the inception of Pune II. He is a medical doctor, and has a deep interest in the effects of food and water-borne illnesses in India.
There are many advantages of not calling a spade a spade and getting kicked out like I did. The manner in which I have approached the resort has been one that isn’t necessarily conducive to dialogue. However I would like to make mention that this is in direct response to the way I was ruthlessly dealt with by resort management. In order to remain at the resort, no doubt a considerable level of diplomatic skills is required. The trade-off is between gaining from being in the know (so to speak), and the loss of being excessively diplomatic and ‘nice’.

Amrito appears to take a very firm stance with respective to drinking water contamination. He is also well aware that there have been entrenched problems with drinking water contamination. He appeared to support investigating and correcting the problem. Perhaps he does not have the (financial) decision making authority?

In December 2007 I travelled to Pune, went to the main gate of the Osho International Meditation Resort, and started handing out a report outlining drinking water contamination at the centre. I was for this peaceful exercise assaulted. I then wrote an article titled Notice of Eviction, an article that has been posted on the Sannyasnews website. It is interesting to note that soon after I plastered this article all over Koregaon Park, I was assaulted a second time.

I am not aware of any action taken by the police with respect to the two complaints I lodged. Both assaults started in the area of the main gate, and so the video surveillance would have captured this. This video evidence will fit exactly with what I have documented in my complaints to police.

During my stay in Pune I was verbally threatened with being beaten; I have been pushed and punched; I have been threatened with a broom stick, sticks, metal rods, and possibly a disguised threat with a knife.

My information site has moved from “” to “”.

I am now seeking legal advice to determine my next course of action.

Love and yahoo,
Prem Abhay

Rickshaw Drivers (More Resort Drama?)

After approximately two months of dramas with Dhyanesh and the Resort – that would be two months after arriving in Pune – for a couple of afternoons as I passed near the German Bakery a rickshaw driver yelled out to me that he could solve my problems with the resort. He mentioned that he new someone at the resort that could help me. I didn’t stop to discuss the matter and ignored the person.

Soon after, a girl who had just arrived in town approached me at the German Bakery and asked if I new of any reasonably priced rooms. I said that I stayed with an Indian family near here, and they had a spare room. I showed her the room, and she liked it. I left the house, and when I was near a cemetery and rubbish drop-off area, I was approached by the three rickshaw drivers - who loiter around the German Bakery and run a little business trying to find people rooms. The man who had yelled out to me that he could solve my problems came up to me and said that if I keep doing this there will be trouble for me. I replied that I didn’t like being threatened and that I was simply helping out a fellow traveller.

That afternoon as I passed by the German Bakery the rickshaw driver again called out to me and said that he new someone at the resort that could solve my problems. I was completed disinterested and did not look at him. He then yelled out that his friends name was Dhyanesh. I still ignored the person and continued walking by. However I felt a little stunned at the time and wondered whether I had just been at the receiving end of yet another threat.

I was threatened once more by the three rickshaw drivers. One of them approached me as I was entering the German Bakery. He said he needed to talk to me. I said that he can talk to me right here. He wanted me to come outside the Bakery. After a little time for reflection I followed him. I followed him round to where his two rickshaw friends were sitting on a seat outside the Bakery. He said in a low voice, now you listen to me. We have a little business here…. I new exactly where the conversation was headed. I called to a passerby to listen to me being threatened. The passerby came over to listen. The three rickshaw drivers then moved over to their rickshaws. The rickshaw driver first mentioned in this incident then told me to go back to my country. I said to him that he was threatening me and that I may go to the police about the matter.

There were no further direct incidents of being threatened by these three rickshaw drivers.

A Clear Mist

Ah yes it is indeed the weary body
that overflows into the mind.
Tonight shall I rest deep.

Tomorrow let us see what springs into action.
Perhaps a day of toil in the fields,
or one of wrestling with thoughts.

I can see
a day not long will come,
where motion shall ebb,
not out of drama and fatigue,
but out of understanding.

As the winters fog deepens
and the trees become engulfed,
a quiet silence is settling in.

What can move in the mist?
Yet clarity is so fine and pure

Fearless Love

A weary body, a restless spirt;
yet a key turns gently, the door ajar.

Anothers love is the key to the
doorway of our own hearts treasures.

Nothing can be lost in allowing love;
for to be sure it is really just love seeking love;
love finding love; and ultimately love revealing love.

Alas the coming and going of the beloved,
glimpse after glimpse reveals our own treasure.

As there can be no thorns without roses
so there can be no loss without gain.

Fear not love revealing truth.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mystery, Mysticism and Confusion

  • I am looking for life and life is looking for me.
    Sometimes we bump into each other;
    sometimes we don't.

    In time the seams blend into the seamless;
    though the wise tell of the timeless.
    I suppose that too.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Love and Aloneness

Though the journey be inwards,
one is essentially walking
side by side with friends.

Though the solitary
be at times lonely,
one can essentially walk
hand in hand with others.

In fact to realize
that anothers journey is
none other than your journey
is to walk the path of love
into the boundless.

To disappear
into the aloneness
of a solitary seeker,
or to expand into wholeness
like feathers in a flock,
is the balanced rhythm
of love and aloneness.

In this way the seeker
neither becomes lost in the crowd,
nor hardened by their own
yearning for truth.

In this way the seeker
becomes the sought.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Fear not other travelers
who cross your way,
for your journey is inner
and no other can follow.

Though others may shout and dance,
they are but a call from afar;
echoes of the ancient call of the beast.

The spirit flies high,
and through this flight
the worldly is seen,
and the animal in man
returns to the jungle.

Transform yourself fearlessly.
The outer reflects the inner.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Understanding the Beyond

There are those who know
yet do not tell;
for each traveller
has their own wisdom,
and simply need to be shown
situations to understand and grow.

The wisest beings know and do tell;
yet the language is in
the mother tongue of the seaker.
One day the seeker will arrive
at the same understanding.

Your wisdom is hidden,
yet the masters words pull you
towards your very same knowing,
and then beyond.....

Friday, April 11, 2008

Osho International Meditation Resort: Negligence

Osho International Meditation Resort: Negligence

List of Articles

Yum Yum: Torrential rains drench the resort and stir up the wells; does a run-down water treatment plant spit out contaminated drinking water?

Terrorism: A perspective on how the Osho community is being terrorized.

Responses: Some feedback from resort management, inner-circle members, and the sannyasin community at large. Please note some of the language is offensive.

Report Assault 2: Was the Eviction Notice that was plastered all over Koregaon Park not received well?

Eviction Notice: Basically it says kick the buggers out!

Report Assault 1: The water contamination report was received well at the front-gate!

Water Contamination: And remember that the clouds are looming over the resort; indeed I would resort to bottled water if it rains!!!

Introductory Note: Gives a basic picture of negligence at the resort.

Further Reading: Gives a more detailed picture of negligence: from water, to water in food, to food, and beyond…

A Funny Email: Funny to some is not funny to others!

Yum Yum: Sunday March 23, 2008

Indeed it is a sad day for visitors to the Osho International Meditation Resort here in Pune, India. With my basic question remaining unanswered – other than by threats, banning, and violence – I can only assume that the water treatment systems remain in their archaic state. Hence the following scenario is an unfortunate and distinct possibility.

The resort has just been drenched by torrential rains. Hence the wells at the resort get stirred up with microbes and other contaminants. The water treatment systems draw this stirred up water, and because they have been in a poor state, simply deposit this contaminated water at random throughout the resort. So for the next few days, it is distinctly possible that the contaminated water will pass through the drinking water stations. Also, I would argue that the drinking water is tested weekly (not daily as on the website), and also, there is a 24 hour delay in determining test results. Indeed I feel for the innocent victims that are unknowingly going to the resort today, and consuming the water from the drinking water stations.

What is needed is as soon as it rained, a rigorous testing at various points throughout the water system, to ascertain exactly what is going on during periods of heavy rains. This of course was already done four monsoons ago, and the results were disastrous. It is in some way unfortunate that the level of contamination is below the threshold that the problem is obvious: that is, people dropping down in droves around the drinking water stations. Hence the resort can get away with what is happening. Further, I would add that the repeated occurrence of this situation of not doing anything is akin to poisoning. To introduce a contaminant into a water supply or to not make efforts to stop contaminants from entering a water supply is very very similar.
Finally I add that once the water network has been contaminated, even if drinking water stations are closed (with atleast a 24 hour delay of this happening), the contaminated system needs to then be appropriately flushed prior to re-opening. The reason for this is that microbes build up in the system.

Granted the water system may now be at least of reasonable standard. If this is the case I ask anyone that is interested in condemning me to save their energy and ask resort management if this is the case. So rather than venting your anger through blind ignorance and the false delusion that resort management are taking care, simply inform me that now care is being taken with respect to water.

Prem Abhay


To Management Team India and Osho International Foundation (Inner-Circle/Trustees)

I have been the victim of two assaults. After the second assault, the next afternoon I was stopped by a guard who had just picked up a metal pole and held it behind his back, saying I could not pass along the public road. Eventually I passed by. The next afternoon he had a metal pole and glared at me. However he did not try and stop me walking along the public road. Today, Monday 25th Febuary, as I was putting up small flyers on some metal sheeting protecting a construction site that is not the property (as I understand it) of Osho International Meditation Resort nor Osho International Foundation. A security guard from Osho Resort followed behind me collecting the flyers. Another security guard approached from the other direction and said I could not do this. I said that this was a public road and the adjoining property was private and (presumably) not Osho Resort property, and to leave me alone. I seem to recall that one security guard said that someone had asked him approach me. After repeatedly (perhaps ten times) asking the other guard if he was security for Osho Resort, and similarly indicating that his security badge was turned around so I could not tell, he eventually turned the security pass around to confirm that he was working for Osho Resort. After me repeatedly saying that they had no right to interfere with me, they left me alone.

If this incident is leading up to a third assault on me I find it completely and totally unconscionable. I want to know from a person of relevant authority that I will not be assaulted a third time. I want to know that I can walk along any public road around the Osho Resort and not be unnecessarily approached, not be threatened, and not be attacked. My position is one of peaceful expression of my point of view. I want confirmation of my request urgently as from this mornings incident, a third assault may be imminent. Dhyanesh has been involved in two assaults on me. Obviously I therefore do not consider this person to be an appropriate authority, so I do not want him to reply to my request, and actually am requesting that senior management take appropriate measures to deal with this person.

Below is a copy of my latest work. For more details on the assaults and more works visit

Yours sincerely,Prem Abhay.

Reflections: Violence in the Name of Religion

Strange it is to make a long journey to a foreign country knowing that one will be received with violence and hatred. I assume it must have either taken me a great deal of courage or a great deal of stupidity to make such a trip.
To put things in perspective the confrontation with ostensible senior Osho disciples has escalated from my side entirely by the written word. The written word managed to get me in my opinion threatened, then banned, and then assaulted.

When I arrived in Koregaon Park, and made the walk to the entrance of the Resort to hand out the Water Contamination Report, do you think that I knew that this might trigger hostility towards me? Most people generally thought that I was some crazy guy obviously with some crazy piece of paper. What is the harm in some lunatic standing around looking stupid and handing out a stupid piece of paper with gibberish written on it. I knew otherwise and so does management. Hence I new that the response would not be a passive one.

Management is well aware of the truth of what I have reported on. The facts are indisputable. The conclusions drawn are done so with rigorously comprehensive arguments. The case is in fact so strong that management has no intelligent response to it. Hence the need to create the illusion that Prem Abhay is a lunatic, and a violent one at that.
I asked Dhyanesh at one stage why a security guard needed to approach me in a threatening way with a metal pipe. Dhyanesh said he needed it to deal with people like me. People like me have engaged in peaceful, non-violent expression of their point of view. I am sorry, do I now reside in a special part of the globe where freedom of expression is suppressed by violence. Excuse me, did the plane I boarded for India accidentally land in Burma, Iran, or China?

In return for the reports that I have written management has replied with what I consider to be threats, being banned, and being assaulted. I have not heard a single word about the validity or not of what I have written. If I have made factual errors or errors in logic, or narrowness of perspective, and if that be the case on every single issue that I have written about, a simple letter saying so would have been much better than the absurd escalation that has occurred. If some of the issues that I raised were considered reasonable, and that they have been or are in the process of being addressed, a short response in this regard would also have been helpful.

I was assaulted for an attempt to peacefully hand out a report. I was assaulted a second time simply because I phoned someone from a phone that I was told to use by a ‘shift co-ordinator’. The second assault was worse than the first, and it looked to me like it may have been planned.
The response by some ostensible Osho sannyasins is to “put up or shut up”. The wiser Osho sannyasins rather than replying with offensive language – whether in person or by mail – tell of psychological deficiencies that have lead me down this troublesome road.

In response to vulgarity I have none. In response to others let it be known that criminals are dealt with in the court of law presided over by a judge, not in a therapist group room. I am sorry but soft fuzzy cushions have not played a part in the assaults on me.

In general terms I see that the argument put forward in response to my position is that we are creating a first class meditation resort, not a beggar seeking slum. However to argue this point knowing the state of neglect of basic infrastructure and maintenance shows a very deep misunderstanding. People can come and live in 5 star conditions at a 3 star price. Great!!! Unfortunately what they do not know is that they eat 2star food and drink 0 star water. To invest in a glorious façade and yet neglect basic maintenance is outright ridiculous. Was it in Osho’s guide-book for the future to have a 5 star façade with filth underneath? I thought Osho liked his sannyasins? Who is the beggar, where is the 5 star resort, why the slum, and who is being cheated?

It is my understanding the power games have played themselves out both at the management team India level, and at the inner-circle level. All is calm yet all is not well.
A common take on the inner circle is that 15 of the original 21 inner-circle members have either been forced out or left because they were forced out. Management team India and the current inner-circle are both responsible for what has been happening in the last years.
Clearly some people undertake or support violence in the name of Osho. This is religious extremism and is a worrying trend over the globe. Yet still people do not get it. How far will this violence go? Perhaps I am lucky that I cannot draw cartoons, however obviously what I write manages to evoke rage and violence.

The more a person clings to power the more they do so to avoid the darkness within. It spirals out of control as the power is dealt out in a more and more rigid and harsh fashion. Eventually this leads to downfall of the authoritarian rule, however as this happens those in power face their fear and express their rage. This worries me a great deal, especially because I have confirmed that some powers that be have not enough consciousness to own their violence and express it in a safe way.

From being in Pune for close to 2 months I have gathered a sense that the majority of the sannyasin community live in fear of speaking out against the resort, or even of offering their constructive opinion. I have spoken out and have been on the receiving end of violence. This validates my views, and probably reinforces the fear that many sannyasins feel. However it demonstrates that their fear is real, not just paranoia. Does this ring any bells; a group of people living in a state of fear; a state of terror?

Revelations and Responses:

Subject: RE: status of visitation

To whom it may concern,
My name is Prem Abhay.

I seek official clarification as to whether or not I am elligible to visit the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India. Due to some apparently controversial reports that i circulated i received an email from Amrito (I am assuming this to be Doctor Amrito, Osho's personal physician). Amrito's email stated that some people feel that the resort is the last place I should be, and that i needed to write to before coming to the centre. My response was to send a letter (with a link to more details on a website) informing a number of Indian State and Federal agencies about my concerns. I also copied Amrito and "response" in the email. A copy of a series of email exchanges with Amrito is at the end of this email.
A copy of two website links that outline some of my concerns are below.

The only other information of substance is a thirty page report received by Doctor Amrito. I would like to add that i considered the emails from Amrito to be of a threatening nature - in particular I was deeply concerned by the following: "several people...feel this is the last place you should be".

I would finally like to add that the only reason I can think a person of sound mind considers the concerns that I have documented to be groundless is that this person has been blatantly lied to. Yours sincerely,
Prem Abhay

Hello Abhay,
Here it is, the way you want the response… "You are not welcome at Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune";
Have fun,

(From Abhay To Response Team)

To Whom It May Concern I have been trying to find out if I am eligible to visit the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India. After being redirect several times and then after several email exchanges by Dhyanesh, all I managed to find out was that I was not welcome. Quite obviously I am not welcome there. That is why I did not ask such a question. I wanted to know if I can visit the resort to reconnect with Osho. I am not interested in whether I am greated at the front gate with hugs and kisses or not.

I have been the target of slanderous, malicious lies that started out with me being apparently responsible for someone having a severe allergic reaction whilst working in Lao Tzu garden. The character defamation then turned to me being involved in causing people to drink contaminated water during a monsoon. These and any other propositions of this nature are utterly false.

It would be nice if it is so simple. Unfortunately these lies have the effect of people not listening to the warnings I am repeatedly trying to make about the resort. The problems therefore continue to worsen and pose more and more danger to the health and safety of resort guests. Now if the malicious rumours have a source, and if that source was found to be systematic and calculated in spreading the rumours, this person(s) becomes deeply responsible for the illegal goings on at the resort.

I know from Dhyanesh's email that he has the view that I am trying to have a bit of a laugh at the resorts expense, and will one day deeply regret it because for example now I am not welcome. Unfortunately this situation is not the case. Unless I here otherwise, I am assuming from Dhyanesh's email that although not welcome, I am eligible to visit the resort and reconnect with my beloved master Osho.

Finally, the actual reason why I am not welcome there is that I will push for the lies about me to be shown for what they are, and that this will in turn reveal some utterly unconscionable actions by people running the resort.


PS Is there any vacancies at the GuestHouse soon.

Hello Abhay,
You are not welcome to visit Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune.
Response Team
(from Dhyanesh)

Dear Abhay,
I am afraid your website has caused a bit of stir, especially with your comments, now removed, but repeated in emails, that you might be the target of some murder plot… etc…etc.
Now you need to write here before coming…. Several people have seen this article and feel that this is the last place you should be!
I hope you are ok!
With best wishes,

Hi Ji,
Please inform him that thanks but that you are our chief criminal negligence investigator and top notch to boot. Hence no need for his services at this time.
Much love,
D'Arcy O'Byrne BA, LL.B

First of all, who are you?The links on your page don´t work.If you have something to say, identify your self, otherwise keep silent.

you must be kidding.
I will never open things like this and you shouldn't be sending them

Beloved Abhay,i read your poetry and your prose and i wonder, how a human being can manage to vomit so much bullshit and still remain unaware about it.Usually, after a long vomit some clarity of vision and an awakening happens.But your sleep seems to be very very deep.Please go on vomiting.It may help you to awaken one day.

Dear Abhay,
i am sorry, that i have hurt you.Your Notice of Eviction provoked me very much.You are not honest.You are not interested in Osho's work and in his vision and in his meditation resort.It is out of your blind hunger for power, that you are giving so much juice to the "rumors".If the resort has to be sold, let it be sold.Why do you make such fuss about it?The sanyassin, who have understood osho's work, will go on working for the awakening of theier souls.If the resort remains, fine.If it is sold,also fine. It will not disturb theier understanding at all.Love.Atasa

…It's kind of like put up or shut up in my view…

And it is clear to me that you are simply a troublemaker who takes noresponsibility for his own actions, continually provoking problems so thatyour own sense of importance can be inflated.You are a sad fool.I hope you stop sending me these emails, as I will not be reading anymore. Iread from start to finish and I think Dhyanesh was remarkably restrained inhis dealings with you.
Sw Jivan Chris

BeLoved Prem Abhay,
I just get sick by your so-called truth and going to thepolice. Why are you fighting. Just go to places where there is peace foryou. In this way I feel you have a lot off hate and in stead of doingdynamics, it seems you are dumping it all over... Police is your friend??? Idon't know you but you really sound as a weirdo to me, how you deal/fightwith problems. I hope you get soon loving and positive....Tara

are you crasy?why you still using your sannyas name?I see you around, you look terible, and loose yourtime in destroy thinks.go way from Poona, go way from Osho.go do some think good with your life.hipocrit.

run along idiot.

It is bad that this spiritual santa claus was burned after he died. They should burn him before he died

Obey Abhay,
It feels to me that beating you would help so that you move your energy more from your full of yourself you's a slap on your go meditate!

Puhleez...stop sending me this crap you write...takes too much time to read and takes me way out there involved in your shit

Report to Police: Assault 2 on Prem Abhay Date: Monday 28 Jan 2008
Location: Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune, INDIA

After the first assault, I e-mailed the Resort requesting a mutually agreed place that I could distribute the Water Contamination Report. After a day (perhaps two), I went to the front gate and requested that I see someone about arranging this, having not received an email reply. The main gate guard said to go to the Welcome Centre and talk to the people their. I spoke to a lady at the Welcome Centre and she said Dhyanesh was coming to talk to me. I said I did not want to speak to this person about the matter as he had already been involved in an assault on me. She said that there was nothing to fear as there was plenty of people around. I disagreed with her.
Dhyanesh came and said ‘come let’s go…to the police’, among other things. I left the Welcome Centre assuming that we would be going to the police, which was fine with me. Outside the Welcome Centre, being escorted by Dhyanesh, I was met by Anand Titnavage(?); as I recall, he was waving a curtain-rod at me. Dhyanesh agreed with my suggestion that I distribute the report outside Sundarbaan Hotel. I recall that the first afternoon of doing this, Anand Titnavage came up to me, again threatening me with a curtain-rod.

Some days later I went to the front-gate to request the phone number of a resident. I called the resident from the front-gate phone, and as the phone was ringing, Anand Titnavage came up to me and started again threatening me with a curtain-rod. The main-gate guard said that I needed to leave, and called Dhyanesh; I left (before Dhyanesh could arrive).

Perhaps 10 days or so ago, one of the Security Guards (Anand Titnavage) made a leering remark (Baba!!) at me whilst I was walking along the street (near Sanai Complex). I was on the walkway on the other side of the road. I walked over to him and said please do not do this. I thought that was the end of the matter. However a few days ago, as I walked passed the front gate, this Security Guard again leered at me…Baba!! I then walked over to the main gate and explained to the person on duty that this is a recurring problem, and I want it to stop. Dhyanesh approached, and I explained the problem to him. He said that many people call him baba: implying that to do so was complimentary. I explained to him that the problem was the Security Guard said “Baba!”. I asked Dhyanesh to tell the Security Guard to leave me alone. Dhyanesh said something to the Security Guard (presumably in Hindi), and I walked off.

I have been calling a resident at the Resort over a number of weeks. Her name is Mukta and she is my friend. A few days ago I tried to call her from the back gate. The person at the back gate said to call from the security guard phone near the back gate. As I walked over to that phone the security guard received a call, and then hung up. I asked if I could use the phone and he said I could not. I went back to the back gate, and another person said that the back gate phone was for internal use only. He said that I could use the phone at the front gate. I asked who he was and explained that I had received conflicting messages from a number of guards at the back gate about the use of the phone. He said he was the ‘shift co-ordinator’.

Two days later, which is today ( approximately 4.30pm), I went to the front gate to phone Mukta. Dhyanesh was close-by, near the main gate guard. I phoned Mukta and she answered immediately. We had a conversation and were trying to arrange a time to meet. A Security Guard then came over and told me to hang up the phone. He took the phone as I was in mid conversation with Mukta, and he hung it up. He then grabbed me on the arm and started escorting me away from the phone. The phone then rang again. Presumably it was Mukta wondering why I had hung up on her.

I asked the guard to not touch me, and said that I would walk away: so there was no need to physically remove me. At some point he let go of me and Dhyanesh spoke to me. He said that I needed to listen to him. He said something like ‘do you know who I am’, among other things I can’t in this moment recall. After I listened to him I asked if I may explain something: that I was told by the “shift co-ordinator” that I could use this phone. Dhyanesh said that I could not speak. I remember then that the Security Guard struck at me with his fist. I recall that his fist struck my right hand above the wrist (it struck a leather band that I have on my wrist).
I backed out of this situation and Dhyanesh confronted me. He faced me and said something like ‘I will beat you’. The Security Guard than ran to his post and picked up a curtain rod. He ran back and ran at me threatening to strike me with it. I backed back down the road under threat. As I went back, another Security Guard came at me with a wooden stick. I backed back further down the road and then onto the footpath to the entrance of the hospital, with these two Secuity Guards threatening to attack me.. I said that I was backing back and there was no need to threaten me with a curtain rod and stick. At the entrance to the hospital I said that if you attack me I will attack (in self-defense).

As I understand it, people can in general use the back-gate phone. Hence I assume that me being denied access to the back-gate phone(s), and saying that I could use the front-gate phone, was a response to me personally. The question I am asking here is was I set up to go to the front-gate and therefore, was I the victim of a pre-meditated attack?

After the confrontation, I went to Nala Park. In Nala Park (the side with the Osho statue), I did my usual circuit. On the section where the path narrows, a person was approaching. When he was approximately 2 metres away I noticed that he had a pocket knife in his left hand. The blade was somewhat open (not fully, say 1/3 open). I immediately said hey what is this. He closed the blade shut and said that he was oiling it. After he had walked past I said to him basically that it was a little concerning having someone walking along with a half-open pocket knife. I finished my circuit, and this person was ahead of me to the entrance. He talked to the guard at the entrance. I can recall quite clearly the person’s appearance. Perhaps this situation was nothing at all. However just in case, I recount it here.

After walking in the park (perhaps 45 minutes later), I then came back past the Resort, thus completing the regular route of my morning and afternoon walk. I prefer not to walk the back-gate road and then along North Main Rd to reach the German Bakery lane because of the excess traffic. The first Security Guard I met told me that I cannot pass – I was walking on the bitumen. He motioned and said that I had to turn around. I said to him that I was walking along a public road, and told him to fuck off. I continued passed the Resort entrance, and made my way to the German Bakery.

I had a chai at the German Bakery and then typed this report.

I will send this report now, as per my usual procedure, to the Australian Federal Police, to Interpol, and to the Indian Central Bureau of Intelligence. In the morning I will lodge my second complaint to the Pune Central Police Station.

I make here also one remark that comes to mind. I have had issues with Osho International Meditation Resort. I have heard that the Resort is for sale for $375 million (I am assuming that to be US$). If the rumour is true, and there is a person or persons offering such an amount, and if they read my reports, they would change the offer to the value of the land less the cost of knocking down all the buildings. I guess this might take several hundred million US$ off the value of the Resort. That wouldn’t be very nice at all. Perhaps there is no truth in the rumours.

Yours sincerely,
Prem Abhay

Notice of Eviction

Dereliction of Duty: call for the removal of the board of trustees of the Osho International Foundation and senior management of the Osho International Meditation Resort.

There are rumours that the Osho International Meditation Resort is up for sale. The view that the Resort is running at a financial loss has been around for a number of years, and is still current. The rumour has it that the Resort is becoming more and more a burden on the financial resources of the foundation, and hence is up for sale.

For a number of years the Osho International Foundation (and the Resort) has been, putting it bluntly, at war with a large number of Osho sannyasins (and groups of sannyasins). The United States copyright lawsuit against “” is a case in point. The list of banned and disaffected sannyasins is large and growing.

The long-term viability of the Osho International Foundation, and hence the governing body looking after Osho’s assets and his vision, rests on the collective of Osho sannyasins. There is no following without followers. Admittedly new followers come and old followers go. An example of this is the current and highly effective marketing campaign drawing new customers to the resort in Pune. However these first-time customers come and go, and will ‘switch brands’ for many reasons. For example, a Mumbai business professional will for any number of reasons choose to go to some other ‘resort’ in Goa for the weekend.

The fact is that the loyal base of Osho sannyasins is divergent and deeply split. Also, the resort in Pune is not simply a resort. It is the Master’s home. Osho’s ashes lie under his bed, in his bedroom, in his place, in Pune. If the foundation set up to look after Osho and his vision has to sell the very heartland, and if the reason for this is most essentially because the foundation cannot unify the following of Osho sannyasins, then this foundation has failed in its most essential duty.

The long-term financial viability of the Osho’s foundation and vision rests with Osho sannyasins: it is their loyalty that will keep it safe through the trials of political, financial, and environmental instabillity. The fractures to this group of loyal Osho sannyasins that exist around the world, and the animosity to resort management in Pune, and to the Osho International Foundation, means that the board of trustees (the inner-circle) is failing. If the financial viability of the Resort in Pune, and the foundation itself, is called into question, then the board of trustees has failed. The board of trustees, in this case, would have failed in its most basic duty.
In recent times a high level of financial investment, a rise in situational operating costs (such as food, land rates, and basic services like power), coupled with a huge rise in running costs based on management strategy (a large air-conditioned auditorium and a veritable army of hired labour for example), has no doubt put a financial strain on the resort. Adding to this the political turmoil that exists within the Osho sannyasin community, then there is a distinct possibility that the financial rumours are true.

Some of the financial strain is, as mentioned, inadvertent or circumstancial. However other reasons for negative patterns of financial inflow and outflow are entirely the responsibility of management and trustees. Therefore, if there is any credence to the financial rumours, then the senior management of the resort and the board of trustees of the Osho International Foundation should be required to show cause why they should not be removed. However I would put it in reverse and say that they should be removed, and show cause why they should stay in a position of responsibility.

Simply put, if you have to sell Osho’s heartland, (or even if there is concern that this might have to happen), then you should sell the ‘trusted’ management, not Osho!

Prem Abhay

Report to Police: Assault 1 on Prem Abhay

Date: Sunday 30th December 2007
Incident outside the Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune, INDIA.

This letter is a formal request to take legal action(s) against the relevant persons in this report. I was threatened with physical violence by Dhyanesh, I was physically assaulted by two guards; I was further threatened with severe physical violence by one of these guards; Dhyanesh did not allow me to remove myself safely from this severe threat. Dhyanesh also, in my opinion threatened to deal with me in other than legal means, instigated, encouraged, maintained, and refused to stop, this very violent attack.

The role of the resort employee (the fourth person mentioned in the attack) is not clear to me.
The following is my recollection of the facts surrounding the incident that occurred outside the Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune, India. The incident happened on Saturday the 29th December 2007, the time was mid-afternoon (approximately 3pm).

In the morning I printed out copies of a report that I have written about the contamination of water at the Resort. I collected the copies from a print-shop and in the early afternoon handed out some copies of the report to people at the Yogi Tree Restaurant and then the German Bakery. I then proceeded to the Resort.

When I reached the entrance of the Resort I started handing out the report to people. I continued this uninterrupted and peacefully for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. I asked people if they would like a copy of a report about contamination of water at the resort. Some people said or indicated that they were not interested and I immediately respected their wishes. Other people were interested in what I had to say and asked me more specific questions. A lady ‘guarding’ called me over and requested a copy. A person that I recall is a long time Engineer or engineering technician approached me and requested a copy, and then another copy. The lady ‘guarding’ suggested I provide the main gate with a copy. I gave the main gate two copies.

At one stage, as I recall, a guard from the secondary entrance requested me to move. The main guard also asked me to move. He said that the area where I was – that being the road and roadside – was private property. I asked him for confirmation of this as I was quite sure where I was distributing the report was council property. I was met with an unclear response. However he did say to wait near the entrance as a person was coming to speak with me.

Dhyanesh approached me with a pen waving in his left hand. His approach was to me very abrupt and aggressive. There were two guards present. One of these guards had already touched me once on the arm – suggesting me to move on. As I recall, this guard touched me a second time on the upper arm, and I said to him that that was the second time he touched me, and that I found this to be inappropriate.

Dhyanesh said that the entire street was maintained by the Resort, and that the resort had the power to move anyone on if that person was causing a disturbance. He told me to go to the German Bakery. My position was clear and simple: I was distributing a report, and did not consider myself in any way to be causing a disturbance. On the contrary, I found myself well received, with people interested in the report, and interested in asking me more specific questions.

Dhyanesh said that he would deal with me in whichever way. I asked him exactly what he meant by that. He mentioned the possibility of him calling the police to deal with me; however the direction of his conversation lead me to understand that his interpretation of ‘whichever way’ stretched beyond the law.

At one stage, as I seem to recall, Dhyanesh said he would hit me. He also said a number of times that he would get the guards to hit me. The next thing I recall is that two guards are forcing me backwards away from the main-gate. My arms are placed in an awkward upward position, with my fingers bent painfully backwards. I managed to withdraw my hands and as I walked backwards tried to use my arms to defend myself from what I consider to be an unprovoked physical assault.

I withdrew from this assualt to the other side of the road. I continued to then make an attempt to distribute the water contamination report. I was approached by an employee of the resort. He stood almost touching me and asked me to move on. I asked him if he was going to assault me like the other two people just did. The bigger of the two guards then moved towards me from the other side of the road. I asked him if he was going to assualt me a second time.

He continued towards me in such an aggressive manner that I walked backwards along the footpath. He followed me (within striking range with his fists) and with fist(s) clenched threatened to strike me in the head. He did this a number of times as I walked backwards past the rickshaws. I then walked backwards onto the road, and as I did this the guard picked up a very large wooden broom. As I walked backwards down the road he threatened on many occassions to strike me both in the facial region, upper body region, and legs. During this the employee and Dhyanesh were close by.

The guard was in my opinion out of control with blind rage. He was clearly completely out of control. Dhyanesh was in my opinion insensible with anger. There was clearly an inappropriate an excess use of (and threat of) force. I walked backwards under attack a significant distance - to the entrance of Sunderbaan Hotel.

By the time I reached the entrance to Sunderbaan Hotel I realized that it was also dangerous for me to walk backwards down the street as I may get hit by an oncoming vehicle (or person), or simply trip over. I passed close by a sweeping lady who was near the road-side. With this guard threatening to strike me with a large stick (and within striking range), I could not for one moment take my concentration from him; hence the risk of something from behind. This was when I started to become vocal. I said to Dhyanesh that I needed space so I could turn around and walk away. Dhyanesh said I could simply turn around and walk away. I let Dhyanesh know that with a large Guard threatening me angrily with a big stick, that this was not an option.
Walking backwards along a road with three guys in my face, with one of them waving a big stick, was in my opinion very very dangerous. Also, Dhyanesh did not allow me the chance (and space) to turn around and walk away from the serious threat. Hence I made the decision to try and change the situation. I vocally shouted if you attack me I will defend myself. I repeated this. I threw the remaining copies of the report on the ground – partially in frustration and partially to keep my hands free in case of an imminent attack. I continued to be very vocal – yelling things like ‘fuck off’ and ‘give me space’ - and this seemed to work.

Dhyanesh must have then moved back a little. The guard with the big broom stick moved back a little. Then the resort employee moved back a little. I moved to the entrance of the Sunderbaan hotel, got out some more copies of the report, and gave one to a gentleman. We had a short and fruitful discussion. Another person approached me and seemed to have a calming effect on me. He walked with me to the end of the resort road. He made some suggestions of what I might do to resolve the problem, and showed me frame by frame pictures of some of the incident. I gave him my email address and he said he would send the photos.

I was very shaken by the incident, and probably was in a state of shock. That night I had a very disturbed sleep.

I was handing out a report that in my opinion uncovers serious negligence on behalf of senior management at the resort. However I was doing so in a peaceful manner, engaging people in constructive dialogue, and very definitely not creating a disturbance. After the two guards initially attacked me I made this point clear to Dhyanesh. I said that I was not creating the disturbance. I repeatedly said that I was here peacefully, and that he and others were creating the disturbance by attacking me. This is what happened. I was making a peaceful protest and I was physically attacked and threatened. If the guard with the large broom stick did actually strike me the way he threatened to, he could have easily killed me!!!!

I have been a critic of resort management for years. I have been banned from the resort, and in my opinion I have previously been threatened by people at the resort. I have approached and been well received by the Australian State police on two occasions; I have attempted to personally visit the Australian Federal Police. I have sent messages to the Australian Federal Police, to Interpol, and to the Indian Central Bureau of Intelligence – on a number of occasions. I had a lengthy and helpful discussion with the Australian Embassy in Bangkok. I have repeatedly said that I have a sense that a person or persons having involvement with the centre are trying to kill me.

The message that I have is that the negligence at the resort shows a blatant disregard to the sanctity of human life. The management is in my opinion very clearly aware of this, and ignores the right direction to fix the problems – problems that may have already lead to serious injury and death. So if the management is to this extent ignoring problems, why would they not make efforts to harm me, or end my life??? I came to Pune to resolve this issue as I have now spent years in hiding, am tired of it, have no place to hide left that I wouldn’t mind staying at, and am running out of money.

I handed out a report in peaceful protest and was physically attacked and threatened in a manner that if carried out, could easily have ended my life. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Prem Abhay

Water Contamination Report
Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune, India.

Why is it that I have said that the water treatment system is (was) in a seriously neglected state?

I am an Engineer, and this article is based on recollections of interactions with 3 Engineers, the microbiology consultant, and the head of the microbiology consultancy company. Some of the content of this article is based on recollections that may be partial remembrances, or that may require clarification by another party.

Some four monsoons ago there was a major contamination of the resorts drinking water. A partial summary of the initial investigation into the situation was written by myself and the person in charge of the Water division of Facility Management department (also an Engineer). The following is based on this report.

There were no filters at the wells whatsoever. This had been the case for a number of years. The reason for their removal was apparently because they clog up too quickly with matter, especially calcium carbonate. The 16 in-line filters on the Jesus House plant were after the UV/chlorine system. This is a serious flaw in design as a primary function is to remove particulate matter such that the UV/chlorine system can work effectively.

If supply water is ‘murky’ the UV light cannot penetrate as effectively into the water to target pathogens; similarly, the chlorine cannot effectively perform its task as the chlorine breaks down during interaction with excess matter, and also, pathogens ‘hide’ in this excess matter and therefore cannot be targeted by the chlorine. Hence (especially) in the monsoon when the well water becomes ‘stirred up’ these filters cannot perform a key part of their function, as they filter the water after the water purification process. This problem is amplified because the filters at the wells have been removed.

In regard to the Mahakashapa plant, there was no filtration system whatsoever. I repeat this for emphasis, on the Mahakashapa water treatment plant there was no filtering of water at all!! In fact there had never been any filtering of water at the Mahakashapa water treatment plant. I find this quite remarkable.

Actually there is a filtration system (a large some 3metre in diameter dome) for the Mahakashapa plant. The only trouble is that this is not connected, and has never been connected, as the system works so well it takes out all the chlorine. Hence there would be no residual chlorine to keep the water clean as it travels to the end user. From memory this filtration system uses charcoal, and it is the charcoal that removes the chlorine.

It is important here to make here a second qualification. For each drinking water station there was an individual filter (expensive and European) that uses activated carbon and colloidal silver. However with no filters at the wells, and the central filtration system (a dome construction some 3 metres in diameter) disconnected, this hardly seems adequate. This filter is, like the residual level of chlorine, in place to ensure that treated water remains so when it reaches the end user.
In relation to food, what this means is that all the water that goes into the food in the main kitchen was (perhaps is) unfiltered – as was (perhaps is) all the water that goes anywhere in the resort from the Mahakashapa treatment plant! (Perhaps filtered Jesus House water gets redirected to the central kitchen; however this I think is unlikely and perhaps technically unfeasible).

Also, from my recollections with conversations, there were repeated efforts to purchase filters for the wells – including submission of application for purchase prior to leaving the centre prior to the time of four monsoons ago by an Engineer who was involved with not commissioning the main system. My guess here is that this person possibibly missed the fact that by not connecting the central filtration system, this leaves the water essentially unfiltered - due to the fact that the filters at the wells had been removed.

Perhaps this person(s), did not miss this as from my recollection resort engineers were actively (and unsuccessfully) trying to purchase filters for the wells and drinking water stations. Taking into account their rejected efforts to purchase things like little new filters to replace years old little old filters, what chance would they have to address the problem of a big new central filtration system that does not work properly. So perhaps they did not miss the problem of lack of filtration, and then later on felt guilty about this, and due to this guilt thought that my gosh we really missed a big one. In short perhaps they missed that they did not miss that something was missing. If they did miss that they did not miss that something was missing, I only hope that they now do not miss this. Which ever way things fell, the bottom line is that something very important was and perhaps still is, missing!!!

There were repeated efforts by three or four engineers over a number of years to purchase new filters for either the drinking stations or wells. The filters at the drinking stations were old, and it is very simple to check whether this is the case. The request for new filters at the drinking water stations was not even granted when the major contamination problem was identified some four monsoons ago – I still find this astounding! The engineers in my opinion were primarily doing the best they could given absurd constraints.

People drank contaminated water four monsoons ago. At first this was because the problem had not been identified. After the drinking water stations were “closed” there was a problem with some people ignoring this closure and gaining access to the drinking water. These people reopened very obviously closed drinking water taps - by for example taking off signs and removing plastic bags, taping and or string - and therefore led to the possibility of other people drinking this water. I assumed that the people removing the signs were Indian nationals who were not concerned by the contamination - perhaps because they (perhaps correctly) thought that this water would anyhow be cleaner than the local council tap water. More and more steps were taken to in response to some very determined people. In hindsight I do not know why the taps weren’t simply turned off. Perhaps there was not a main on/off tap. However to insert a tap would have not been a big deal. The suggested direction that I did make to try and resolve the problem and still give some Indian nationals access to potentially ‘cleaner’ water may give an indication of why this simple option did not take place.

I made the suggestion to put up a very clear sign stating ‘do not drink this water as it is contaminated’. I was told that this was a good idea and that a sannyassin lawyer would take up the task of appropriately wording the sign. The sign however made reference to the drinking water stations being ‘closed for cleaning’, not closed due to contamination. I made mention that in my opinion the wording of the sign fails to achieve its aim. I said that with all the drinking water stations closed people would generally be aware that there is a contamination problem. Hence, I argued, by saying that the stations are closed for cleaning, actually you are making people aware that you are deceiving them - that is in addition to deceiving them in the first place. My comments had no practical outcome that I am aware of - that is in relation to the signs.
A fuller wording of the sign said something along the lines for example that “due to the current heavy monsoon, the drinking water station is closed for cleaning, please purchase bottled water from the cappuccinno bar”. It might be argued that this wording indicates that the water is not drinkable as the ‘cleaning’ process makes it so. However firstly it is false. Secondly, as I recall, the sign was not general in nature as it gave reference to each individual drinking water station, and hence gave the impression that the cleaning was localized and routine in nature. (Perhaps the signs did say that “the drinking water stations are closed for cleaning”; if this is the case than the previous argument is less valid). Thirdly, with the important aim of addressing the problem of people continuing to gain access to potentially contaminated water, “closed for cleaning” is ineffectually euphemistic.

Perhaps some people involved with trying to keep the drinking water stations closed missed that there is a simple answer - install a tap - because of a culture of utter disregard for human health and safety, emanating from other people.

After the monsoon (now four monsoons ago) I received an email telling me about the sparkling water at the swimming pool – sparkling because of a brand new pool filtration system. I sincerely hope that the same is the case for water purification in general. If this is not the case - if for example money is spent on making the swimming pool water sparkling clean, whilst drinking water and water for the kitchen (and elsewhere) is poorly filtered and treated – this is in my opinion absolutely deplorable. Ironically water for the pool also comes from the resorts water treatment system. This is why for example an engineer who had previously been in charge of Water management at the resort for many years commented to me that during the relevant monsoon he would have had the swimming pool closed; with at one time (as I recall) an E.coli reading of close to 1000, this person considered people to in simple terms be ‘swimming in shit’!

If there is now no filtration system on the Mahakashapa water treatment plant it means that right now for example most of the water that goes into most of the food that most of the people eat – like a nice yummy watery Indian curry – is unfiltered. This is especially concerning in a heavy monsoon when the well water becomes stirred up. Oh well, what to do???!!!! We are doing the best we can!! If this is the response of the management team of the resort, it is in my opinion utterly incorrect and totally unconscionable.

I do not know what now is the case with respect to the water treatment system(s) at the resort. The reason for this is that I am “not welcome to visit” the resort. However at the heart of my efforts that have made me banned is to get the resort to fix the water treatment system. Why then would I think that anything significant has been done about this problem if I was told that “several people…feel this is the last place you should be”, and then I was told that I am “not welcome to visit”.

I now turn to an administrative question prior to summarizing. When the major contamination problem was identified some four monsoons ago, nothing substantial was done to rectify the problem.. All the drinking water stations were closed and there were some very obvious findings - like for example purchase some little filters: some to replace filters that have needed replacing for years, and others to fill the place where they had been removed (admittedly these filters had apparently a functional problem; however I am quite sure that problem could easily have been resolved)! Eventually the correct path to approach the situation revealed itself: an Engineer was to present the findings and directions to a Space Committee meeting.

At the time, the fortnightly meeting was unfortunately more than a week away. However with some drinking water stations closed and others (in my opinion) reopened prematurely, and with some very obvious findings, this issue was apparently not important enough to bring the Space Committee meeting forward.

From here, as I recall, another remarkable thing occurred. A person had a sufficiently important reason to hold an emergency Space Committee meeting, such that the meeting was brought forward one week. However this important reason was not related to the water crisis. The emergency meeting took place and the Engineer, waiting for the next week to present the water issue, did not attend this meeting. The next meeting was scheduled for two weeks from the emergency meeting. This meant that the Engineer now had to wait more than two weeks to present the water issue. By this time the end of the monsoon had come and the water results were (probably) either absolutely or almost completely clean. Hence by the books there would have likely been no problem whatsoever. I do not know if the Engineer ever presented the case. However the case was very clear and simple.

The essential findings of the report were to purchase some items that obviously needed purchasing. As far as further directions, the head of the microbiology company made a number of suggestions of directions to tackle the problem – during a phone conversation with me. This person made it very clear that it was for example important to decontaminate the entire system, and offered a service to do this: once there is a major contamination, there is the likelihood of what is called a micro-film build up of pathogens throughout the system; essentially pathogens can find shelter throughout the system, and then multiply to the point that they cannot be adequately removed by residual chlorine; this colony can then release pathogens into the system (including after the central treatment system) and these pathogens can reach the end user. I am of the opinion that the decontamination process that took place was inadequate. In relation to the reopening process and the water situation in general, the relevant Engineer said to me very directly and clearly that the actions taken were done so within the framework of very strict and limited access to financial and other resources. I consider this framework to actually be untenable.

The head of the microbiology consultancy company also said to me that although he did not consider himself an expert in this field, he new of an expert, and this person was fortunately a resident of Pune. I recall that the conversations with the microbiology consultant formed part of the content of suggested directions in the preliminary water report.

In relation to the Space Committee itself and lines of responsibility let me make something very clear. I was working in food hygiene (not water) for the Kitchen Department not the Water division of Facility Management (formerly Housekeeping Department). I tried to support the relevant people in Facility Management on the water issue. Though I became involved in the water contamination issue, I was not the formal contact. I accept that at the centre I was very much on a personal journey and only open to limited social contact. However in my position as ‘food hygiene’ liason in the Kitchen Department I was always available for contact, never ever felt that someone felt any reservations with approaching me, and actually had significant contact with people – including Sodexo cooks and general staff. If anyone felt that they wanted to discuss any relevant issue and thought I was for some (perhaps personal) reason unavailable, then my co-ordinator should have been contacted – that being the second in charge of the Kitchen Department. On a pratical level however, if I was more approachable and if people wanted to approach me but did not for this reason, a better outcome may have eventuated. However I also consider the people I supported in the Water division of Facility Management to be very intelligent, informed, available, and ultimately the formal contact. If there was any communication problems in this area then the person responsible is the head of Facility Management.

As with at the time of the water issue, I am still on an inwardly focused personally journey that makes me in simple terms not particularly sociable nor approachable. This has meant that I have not taken the decision to for example arrange meetings and make social visits to Pune to resolve any misunderstandings – and to present my case in person. However I have made efforts to communicate respectfully and intelligently by phone and by email. Such efforts were met with (what I consider to be) threatening remarks, and me ultimately being banned from the resort.

To ask nicely can you please make the water clean and address the host of other serious health and safety issues is simply ineffectual. I have felt that it is absolutely critical to shed light on the situation at the resort, and hence have felt compelled to communicate in an assertive manner that some may wrongly take as aggressive or threatening. I have never endeavoured to be threatening, and have never undertaken to take any action that may be considered to be illegal or unethical. I consider some people involved with the resort to be guilty of serious wrongdoings; if this is the case then to these people I am a threat – a threat to wrongful action and conduct. However I am not making threats. Everything that I have written is factual, informed, and reasoned.

I have not for example written a single word on the futile drama about what is essentially a linguistic issue in relation to Osho’s samadhi. The remarks that I have made about people are not uninformed, malicious, personal gossip. The people that I have written about I am sure are very much aware of the nature of what I have written. Hence it is important to shut down this message. The circulation of meaningless linguistic trivia through various people and websites serves no purpose, and hence it does not matter that it circulates. What I have to say does matter and hence it is important not to circulate it. Hence it is important to slander me, kick me out of the resort, and make me an enemy of Osho. In time the truth that be otherwise will be revealed!

Returning to the central theme of water, primarily I consider the actions undertaken by Engineers to have been done so under duress. I also consider that excess financial pressures and time constraints would have been a constant attack on their capacity to work clearly and effectively. Was there for example a lot of pressure to open the Mahakashapa complex prior to an upcoming high season and new year – this old Buddha Hall structure may have also contributed to this. Also, I am under the impression that the Engineer responsible for bringing the water treatment system back online towards the end of the (four monsoons ago) monsoon did so with the following directive: fix this problem as soon as possible, and by the way, you can not have any money to do it. This impression I formed during my discussions with the relevant Engineer.

I would like to know if the water treatment system is now at least up to standard, and that people accept responsibility for their actions – whether they be inadvertent or not; and especially so if the actions be intentionally reprehensible.
The author of this article accepts no responsibility for the contents, whether expressed or implied.

Introductory Note:
(22 May 07)

I am writing this note to answer a very important question that may arise if you read the main article. What is my motivation for publicly throwing dirt on the Osho centre – and therefore on Osho?

In my opinion the centre has been the stage of internal politicking for many years. Also, the centre has gradually been taken in a more and more negative direction. In my opinion, there are a number of very serious concerns, and each of these is at a tipping point where a little trigger will create a major incident – perhaps (considerable) loss of life. Further, I am of the view that some beautiful and sincere people have fought to correct this trend; and for whatever reason, have almost lost the struggle – and that some nice (and some perhaps not so nice) people will be held responsible.

I am of the opinion that some Osho sanyassins think me stupid, confused, possibly borderline illiterate, and with only ill-will and malice as motivation – hence a blind unwillingness to take seriously what I have written. In partial response, I received the senior-year Chemistry prize in high-school. I have a diploma in export management from the Australian Institute of Export. I have a business degree from Queensland University of Technology. I have an honours degree in manufacturing systems engineering from Queensland University of Technology, and have specialised in fluid systems. I have had professional experience in underground mining as a geo-technical services engineer. I also have a post-graduate diploma with distinction in philosophy from the University of Queensland.
I would like to explain my case more specifically by example of the water purification system. In my opinion some of the above mentioned qualifications and experience makes a strong case for having expertise in this field.

Three monsoons ago an incident occurred where the water treatment system was pumping out contaminated water to the drinking water stations. Unfortunately, people drank this water! In my opinion, the water treatment system was found to be in a seriously run-down and neglected state. I am also of the view that nothing substantial was done to fix this.
Two monsoons ago the level of contamination of water was considerably worse. Was the water treatment system at least up to minimum standard? Did people drink this water? Also, what happened in the most recent monsoon? Further, the next monsoon is imminent.
As I recall, prior to the last monsoon I received an online advert claiming that the swimming-pool now had extra sparkling water from a brand-new filtering system. Was money spent in such areas and not on fixing up a run-down water treatment system that pumps out contaminated drinking water?

What if a serious incident (has) occurred where a number of people became very sick (or perhaps worse) from drinking contaminated ‘drinking’ water at the centre? I would assume that an independent expert would be required to give opinion about the “Health & Safety and Management” report and the summary article. The papers are written in an articulate and professional manner. They are also clear, factual, and with justifiable conclusions. In my opinion they have professional standing.

How about I go to Pune and don’t drink the water? Granted it is nice to be in the know. Also, notwithstanding ongoing contamination problems with some bottled water, there are numerous other serious shortcomings and potential hazards: contamination of food and beverages through use of contaminated water (also from worker neglect, rodents, poor design and construction, and from improperly functioning machinery and equipment); inadequate response to rodent problems; ingestion of excess levels of corrosive chemicals and carcinogens (Hydrogen Peroxide and Sodium Hypochlorite); cabled and dead trees (and limbs); structural integrity of buildings; and poor or inadequate outdoor lighting. This list is not exhaustive.

The centre looks like a beautiful oasis. When I wrote the initial report, and then walked in the gates of the centre, I just couldn’t integrate what I just wrote with what I saw. However these papers would in my opinion stand up to professional critique – in a number of disciplines. In my opinion, to an outsider they are a very clear warning (just like the Bhopal disaster – where a safety report was ignored, and lead to a horribly tragic outcome).

Unfortunately (as it would appear to me) nobody listened to the first report. Although it was lengthy and deeply analytical, it was with good reason. It was to provide critical analysis of key problem areas, and to provide that to people with expertise in the relevant fields. I am of the opinion that the advice was largely ignored. So, one year on, and with (as it would appear to me) the issues slowly worsening, the centre is perhaps at a fragile and precarious stage. Therefore I have written a different type of report, and it targets a different audience. I am simply trying to prevent a serious incident at the centre. The year after year internal struggle failed; the ‘internal’ report failed; and so now outside help is being sought.

Perhaps you are disturbed about a brazen attack on Osho’s image? Unlike the Ranch fiasco, Osho is not around to bear the blame for the outright stupidity and unconscionable actions of his ostensible disciples. Ironically therefore the association of Osho with negligence and criminality is lessened.

Lastly, I have professional expertise in several disciplines. I do not want to be called to the stand to give expert testimony!

The author and “” takes no responsibility for the content of this article.
Prem Abhay

Further Reading: Sheela and Who?

When the Rajneesh Ranch in Oregon collapsed, police tracked people down all over the world, and the charges (and convictions) reached to the level of attempted murder. Osho and his people were crucified from the inside. If you firmly believe that such circumstances could not be repeated, and you would not like your ignorant beliefs to be strongly challenged, then I recommend that you read no further.

Surely nothing like what happened at The Ranch could happen at the Osho International Meditation Centre, Pune, India. Surely nothing like what happened at The Ranch is and has been happening at the Osho International Meditation Centre. Having just re-read this article that I have just written, in my opinion, there is the distinct possibility of serious and criminal misconduct at the Osho International Meditation Resort. It is my opinion that Osho, and his people, have been betrayed not once, but twice.

H. H.Dalai Lama has praised Osho as an enlightened master. The Dalai Lama has also visited his Pune centre (ashram). Yet Osho has been branded by some as being of all things a terrorist - this being not the only false allegation. Where does this come from? There is a key difference between Osho and the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama stands within an accepted cultural framework; Osho (clearly) does not. There is also one subtle difference between the two: Osho see’s a little further.

With the above in mind, it is clearly not my intention to discredit Osho, his name, his vision, or any of his people. I spent a year working in his Samadhi, and another two years in his Lao Tzu garden. I even took sannyas on his birthday (all be it unintentionally). However it is the opinion of the author that there are ignorant and ill-meaning people that cloak themselves in maroon, and whose actions are reprehensible; and that these people have also failed to learn and grow from their mistakes. Existence provides opportunities to learn from mistakes, and the more people fail to take opportunities to learn and grow, in time, the more will be their demise.
The body of this article is a summary of a 2006 report into “Health & Safety, and Management” at the Osho International Meditation Centre, Pune, India. A brief, non-exhaustive summary of the investigation follows. Please note that the summary is written as if from the time of writing the report in 2006. However this summary adds some post-report information.

Upon visiting Pune and the centre, I fell very ill with gastro-enteritis. A stool test from Hemotech Diagnostic Centre revealed that I had Entamoeba Histolytica (amoebic dysentery). Mucous, puss cells, and red blood cells, were also present. An abdominal ultrasonography from Jehangir Hospital found ‘no significant abnormality’. It took three different treatments of broad-spectrum anti-biotics and anti-virals before the gastro-enteritis abated.

Just prior to becoming ill I had started drinking the ‘purified drinking water’ provided by the centre - rather than drinking bottled water. There was a sense that the drinking water was the cause of my gastro-enteritis. I also recalled that in the second most recent monsoon there was a major contamination problem with drinking water. (Note: the contamination problem was significantly worse in the most recent monsoon).

At the time of this contamination I was helping (Work-as-Meditation) in hygiene at the Kitchen Department. Issues to do with water were the responsibility of Facility Management. However the consulting micro-biologist employed by the centre tested food and water, and so I was privy to the water testing results.

At times drinking water gets contaminated by ‘back-contamination’: contamination of the water taps - by spitting or brushing your teeth at the water dispenser for example. It was towards the end of the monsoon when I noticed what appeared to be an excessive level of (unfortunate) back-contamination. I contacted the Facility Management about the matter, and the drinking water stations were consequently shut-down.

An investigation into the contamination revealed that the contamination source was indeed not back-contamination; both central water treatment systems at the centre were not effectively treating the water: they were pumping out contaminated water to the ‘drinking water’ stations. Significantly, the investigation also revealed that, in my opinion, the overall water treatment system was in a seriously neglected state.

At the centre, monsoonal rains have the effect - as rain water filters down into the (underground water) aquifer - of increasing the level of aquifer contamination: bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants as well. It is a little like watching a clear pool or pond get disturbed by torrential rain (in a city). This being the case, the monsoon puts significant pressure on the water treatment system.

It might be argued that in the monsoon, ‘we simply do our best under difficult conditions’. However a ‘what to do’ response has no relevance in this situation. The situation is of, in my opinion, a seriously neglected water treatment system. The ‘what to do’ is to fix the derelict system.

Admittedly if best practice is being employed (or at least standard practice), perhaps a legal and ethical response might be ‘what to do’. However if the water treatment system is not up to a reasonable standard (let alone an optimised system), how can the water treatment system stand a chance in sub-optimal (monsoonal for example) conditions. Even if adequate or optimised systems are incapable of dealing with heavy monsoonal conditions, they will at least provide more purified water than a rundown system. Up until the time of getting very ill, I assumed (or perhaps hoped) that the matter had been at least adequately dealt with.
People drank, and may perhaps still be drinking, contaminated ‘drinking water’ from a seriously rundown water treatment system.

As well as monsoonal rains, the water aquifer at the centre may be further contaminated by the following local events:
· leaking (and overflowing) taps and garden hoses;
· leaking ponds;
· emptying out of ponds;
· construction in and around the centre:
· industrial pollutants;
· deep footings disturbing the ground (thus making it more easy for contaminants to flow down into the aquifer);
· leaking roofs (the Pyramid buildings for example);
· leaking water pipes (Pyramid buildings for example);
· leaking sewerage pipes (anecdotally Osho House for example); and
· leaching down of chemical elements from ‘leaking’ buildings - an example being dieldrin from termite treated timber.

Note: This list is not necessarily exhaustive.

While the water treatment system ostensibly removes bacteria and viruses, I am not sure how it is designed to respond to an influx of sewerage. However as I understand it, the system is not designed to remove bacterially produced toxins, industrial chemicals, building residues such as dieldrin, pesticides, heavy metals, and the like.

With a little summary of water, I turn to food. The Hydrogen Peroxide (HP) solution used at the centre to treat fruit and vegies - which I understand to be in accordance with the consultant microbiology companies HP concentration guidelines - is significantly higher than stipulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is also significantly higher than the ‘Indian text’ level, as shown to me by a senior microbiologist. In too high concentrations, HP is hazardous and corrosive. If a dose of highly concentrated HP is ingested it can for example cause internal bleeding. There are also other concerns about the use of HP in excessive concentrations - by Sodexo kitchen staff.

There are similar concerns with Sodium Hypochlorite (NaHCl). NaHCl is used to sterilise typically large items (pots, pans, trays etc) not processed by the central dishwashing station. Also, chlorine (hypochlorite) is known to be carcinogenic when mixed with organic matter (food). So the mixing of food with chlorine residue - from excess NaHCl concentrations - on pots, pans, trays etc. is of concern.

I have been cautioned about drinking fruit health drinks - I only surmise that the reason being the possibility of ‘rotten’ fruit (and vegies) making their way into the production line. I question the healthiness of the soya health drinks: India is a country with significant pesticide/herbicide use; growing soya beans normally requires a high use of herbicides. Lettuce has historically been next to impossible to keep (hygienically) clean, and continues to make its way onto the counter - papaya is another example. There have been repeated problems with Himalayan bottled drinking water - according to testing guidelines from the consultant microbiology company. There have been other ongoing hygiene problems: with coffee machines and plastic food containers for example.

There are a number of ‘finance’ issues. For example, there was (previously) an ongoing delay in obtaining the DDT test results for the ostensibly ‘organic’ brown rice the centre purchases: the reason as I understand it was that Finance had not paid the bill. I also recall - though with not absolute surety - a letter from the consulting microbiology company that appeared to me to outline a reduced level of services provided, due to financial reasons. The hygiene laboratory also has aging, outdated, and at times improperly functioning, equipment and facilities.
Rats and mice are a historic, endemic problem at the centre. On just one occasion I went for a brisk, early morning walk at the centre. The Meera Garden dishwashing station had the appearance of being unattended by Sodexo (contract labour) from the night before. Its main door(s) was left wide open; the floor of the dishwashing station was in a filthy state; there was rubbish piled up behind the station; and there was a cat inside the dishwashing station. At Zorba Restaurant the window to the ‘serving’ kitchen was open; the door to the service counter was slightly open. Used dishes and food scraps were left at the Dishwashing Station drop-off point. At the time, the Zorba Restaurant area also gave the appearance of being unattended.
In my opinion Sodexo cannot be educated about hygiene, and will not comply with clearly stipulated hygiene guidelines. For example the Sodexo chief engineer didn’t even know where the specific kitchen water taps were that he was supposed to have been decontaminating - a request made regularly by the consultant microbiologist. I have also regularly watched Sodexo staff employ the use of surgical gloves enthusiastically in outdoor manual labour, and incorrectly to sterilized kitchen equipment.

The central dishwasher has not functioned properly for at least a year, and produces visible and microbial contamination. At one stage processed items continually tested positive to E. coli (microbe) for weeks, with in my opinion, nothing fundamentally done to fix the dishwasher. Even the critical temperature gauges have been broken for at least fourteen months. Further concern (especially in monsoon) is that the machine uses municipal water; and dishes and scraps in Meera Garden are regularly raided by teams of scavenging birds. Just a little further note here: the deadly H5N1 strain of bird-flu has been found in a neighbouring state, and wetlands outside Pune are host to migratory birds.

I have also watched contract labourers spend weeks ‘dry-cutting’ stone tiles, sending plumes of dust all over the Pyramids area. In Australia the use of a ‘wet-saw’ to cut stone tiles is mandatory by law. The centre appears to have a ‘dry-saw’ policy. Incidentally, at this dusty time, the exterior building walls were being cleaned without cleaning the rooves, and done so just prior to bats arriving and painting the walls with faeces in their annual migration.

At the centre there are also other design and construction issues - some of which pertain to rodents. Meera Garden and Zorba Restaurant dishwashing stations are by design open to the elements. An attempt has been made to seal off the new Plaza Café drop-off station with a roll-a-door. However the roll-a-door does not close properly.

The dishwashing station at Zorba restaurant is excessively small - this small room functions as a dish and scrap drop-off point, a food scrap storage area, an automatic and manual dishwashing station, and as a drying station. However there are two considerably larger service counters, one of which, to my knowledge, is never used unless the other is closed. Washed items from this dishwashing station have been continually contaminated with more serious microbes (E. coli for example) for at least a year.

Relating to construction, on one occasion as I attended the Meera Garden men’s showers, a large marble slab at a cubicle entrance broke away (not completely). It appeared to me that the reason for the marble slab dislodging was that the cement had been ‘mixed down’. ‘Mixing down’ is a term used when there is insufficient cement in the ‘cement-sand’ concrete mixture.
Also, shortly after the Osho Auditorium opened, a large slab of railing broke away from the main entrance. It makes me wonder about ‘mixing down’. For example were there responsible supervisors and adequate supervision of workers in this project’s construction; and hence is the auditorium really a pyramid like Egypt? It makes for something worthy of meditating on when you are in the ostensibly ‘pollution-filtered’ meditation auditorium - good luck on the silent sitting!

Another issue that has some relevance to design is that of unsafe passage through poorly lit areas at night - areas that are encouraged to be used at night. An example of this is a lady who injured her ankle (a broken bone or torn ligament) near the Internet Café. This area is extremely poorly lit, and the terrain very uneven. There are numerous other night hazards, and perhaps there are numerous other casualties?

Relating to casualties, there was a night-time scooter (motorbike) accident involving two Westerners - during the last monsoon. (I do not know in what way, if at all, the people involved were connected to the centre). The rider died at the accident scene, and the pillion passenger was thrown into a neighbouring field. At some stage later a passer-by heard her screams, and the short of her story is that she had been seriously injured, and was emergency air-lifted back to her home country.

Another anecdote is of a Mystic Rose meditative therapy participant who forgot to retract the stand of his motor-scooter. Travelling to (or from) the centre, the un-retracted stand hit the road surface, and the person was thrown from the scooter. The scooter went into another vehicle, and fortunately the rider was thrown in the other direction. However he nonetheless sustained what I consider significant injuries.

The issue here is a question about ‘duty of care’ towards participants of ‘strong’ emotionally charged therapy groups, where the participant has off-campus accommodation.
There are three issues relating to trees. I recount here an anecdote about a very large Neem tree that borders Sanai (used by the centre) and Number 21 (a private residential block). The tree was encroaching on buildings in Sanai. The centre cut down the half of the tree on Sanai’s side - hence alleviating the encroachment problem. The tree subsequently (or perhaps consequently) fell over onto residential buildings on Number 21’s side. The buildings were not completely destroyed, and were re-built. Fortunately, when the tree fell, no people were present in the accommodation buildings - the rooms are normally rented out to people attending the centre, as it is in close proximity.

I recall hearing that the centres response to complaints by the owner of Number 21 was that perhaps leaking hoses or an over-enthusiastic gardener caused the roots of the tree to rot. However in Osho Teerth (Zen Garden) there are towering Neem trees that also enjoy the fruits of irrigation in addition to the monsoon rains. These trees look to be doing very well, and I haven’t noticed any of them falling over.

In my understanding, the likely (and blatantly obvious) scenario is that in cutting one side of the tree down, the tree was precariously over-balanced, and fell over (the other side).
The second concern is that there are many dead trees and limbs at the centre. I was particularly concerned about one tree outside Lao Tzu carport (entrance to Osho’s Samadhi). I spoke to the person whom I thought responsible for such affairs. He told me that he was worried about trees all over the centre, and mentioned in particular a tree outside the bookshop that had been dead for five years!

The third issue is that there are many ‘cabled’ trees - in particular around Buddha Grove. The trees have grown up at a precarious angle and notoriously therefore fall over. The historic response is that a tree leaning one way be cabled to a tree leaning the other way.
Is this a good idea? The cables have little stretch in them, and are fixed to a certain point on the tree. So when one tree grows up one way, and the other tree grows up the other way, the distance between the two trees at the point of contact with the cable should in theory increase. However the cable is not going to give in to this request to increase in length, and so the effect is that the trees will both be pulled up a little straighter. As the trees grow, they tension themselves - and the cable - up. (To some extent the tree may grow into its straightening position). To give a practical analogy, it is like making a gigantic sling-shot - except the sling is a cable, and doesn’t stretch. I have not read any textbooks on the matter; nor have I done any testing or measurements; it is a theory about the situation. However it is a theory that is to me concerning.

The above is a partial summary of the contents of a Health & Safety and Management report that as I understand it, was given to the Osho International Meditation Centre early in 2006. The following issue is partially mentioned in the report, however deserves more attention.
In relation to safety of women, on an unrelated visit to a local chemist I was once offered prescription aphrodisiacs. Also, Western women (and no doubt women in general) are seen by some locals as being objects worthy of sexual assault. Osho Teerth (Zen Garden) is for example the scene of daily privacy invasions. My sense is that part of this is a deeply misguided notion about Osho’s views on relationships.

At the centre, on one occasion a man of local appearance, dressed only in non-maroon coloured underwear, was parading himself at the crowded Zorba swimming pool - I also add that he was displaying what he may well have considered to be a rather large erection. From my observations, the person (women) on duty at the poolside tried unsuccessfully to deal with the situation. I approached this person, took him to the sign saying ‘maroon coloured swimwear only’, and in no uncertain terms explained to this gentleman about the ‘colour’ problem. The centre carries a ‘sex-guru’ legacy, and there are many people (both local and from overseas) that are drawn to this, and display psychotic symptoms and undertake psychotic actions. The safety of women, especially outside the centre at night, warrants serious ongoing attention.

Perhaps some of the issues raised in the report - and here in summary - can be attributed to financial constraint. However the recent construction of a Guesthouse-Kitchen-Auditorium complex, the Zorba Restaurant, the Plaza Café, and a veritable army of Sodexo (and other) contract employees at the centre, make such a proposal utterly absurd.

Admittedly (perhaps) the Buddha Hall ‘tent’ structure needed retiring, and perhaps a new kitchen was overdue? However Buddha Hall has become a highly used open-air meditation space (Buddha Grove); also, the type of design of the pyramid shaped Auditorium complex must have required way above average financial investment for seating capacity. It would be incomprehensible to spend money unnecessarily or in exorbitant ways if the water treatment system wasn’t (in the least) up to scratch! I would for example prefer to sit in Buddha Grove under the stars, than to sit in the Auditorium with a churning stomach. Surely clean food and water takes absolute priority. If it cannot be provided then the centre should not be in operation.
Perhaps it would be not so nice to sit in your nice white robe under the sky in a torrential monsoon downpour? Personally I would enjoy it much more than consuming unclean food and drinking contaminated water; and, I have never attended a White-Robe sleep-over! It is to me negligent to invest in non-essential infrastructure over basic infrastructure and services.
The meditation centre is, in my opinion, a prima facie successful business Notwithstanding what appears to me to be (in the least) very bad investment decisions, it begs the question as to why the centre, in my opinion, struggles to meet the most basic duty of care principles.

Osho was a very powerful being. Some people are attracted to power, and some people are (or become) blind to this power. The centre in Pune has a legacy. There is a story that there are some people who, when in charge, won’t let anyone else behind the counter (be in charge). There are other people when in charge let everyone who wants to jump behind the counter. Osho happened to fall in the latter category.

Hence the centre’s legacy is one of managerial and administrative chaos. This makes for interesting times. If a subversive person or persons undertake to push their way to the top of the centre’s hierarchy, factors may well have been in place to make this unavoidable - or at least extremely difficult to avoid. An example might be that a subversive person owns some of the land or buildings at the centre - please note here that this is a hypothesis and nothing is being implied; I have no knowledge of the ownership situation.
Osho, his vision, and the authentic seekers that follow this path, are part of a fresh direction into life-positive spirituality. However, it is very easy to get a job at the ‘just-like-heaven’, ‘heaven-on-earth’, ‘spiritual oasis’ in Pune. If you don’t know the ropes in a difficult (or perhaps even treacherous) environment, you may well get hurt; you may well end up looking like you have wronged; you may well falsely think that you have wronged; and you may well end up fighting on the wrong side.

The centre has been a challenge for me. In my last visit - when I investigated and wrote the report, of which this is a summary - I felt increasingly a target of ill-will. It got to the stage where I felt that my personal safety was being threatened - perhaps just my imagination? However at a certain stage an inner-voice in me said that I must leave the centre, leave Pune, and leave India, immediately. Within a few hours of this intuition, I had thrown a few of my belongings into my backpack; with washing left on the line and a room full of belongings, I was in a hastily rented vehicle heading towards Mumbai airport. I caught the next available flight out of India.

The situation of feeling victimised (and perhaps even feeling threatened) was similar to the year before. I had been working (or should I say fighting) in the Kitchen Department helping out with hygiene. One day, as I was walking around Buddha Grove, my co-ordinator approached me. The meeting was curt. I was asked to stop the Residential Work Program, and to also stop the (non-residential) Work-as-Meditation program. I was given no reason for this. I had very little money at the time, and so could not afford to stay in Pune: now faced with additionally paying outside rent and the non-worker entrance fee. (I had previously made my co-ordinator aware of my financial situation. Naturally I soon left Pune).

After this meeting, when I at short notice had insufficient time to find adequate accommodation outside the centre, I asked the Residential Program co-ordinator if I could stay a little longer. The co-ordinator said I could only stay an extra day or so. When I later spoke to my accommodation care-taker, I gave mention of the slightly amended move-out date. The care-taker was surprised that I was given such a short extension, as there was no-one allotted to move into the room for some time.

Prior to the furore, I spent three years ‘working’ in Osho’s Samadhi, Lao Tzu house, and Lao Tzu garden. I have a sense that many people postulated that I was intimate with one (or who knows, perhaps more) of Osho’s closest disciples that resided in Lao Tzu during this time. I also have university qualifications to post-graduate level, and one area of specialisation is in international business management.

I recall one particular incident that occurred when I was standing at the back-gate of the centre. A car roared up to the gate and stopped abruptly; music was blazing loudly; and the young man of Indian appearance gave the appearance of being drunk. The car window was down, and he made some strange obscure comments to me. Suddenly he accelerated of, only to stop approximately 100 metres down the road. The car then spun around, and came back at considerable speed. It then swerved towards me. I reacted quickly, and ended up near the wall of the centre – another person witnessed this event. Other than thinking what a ‘crazy driver’ (a euphemism), I thought nothing further of it; nothing further, that is until right now I type these words.

If subtleties and innuendoes are not your thing, then let me make it clear. I left Pune as a matter of utmost urgency because I had a clear sense that there were people conspiring to murder me: out of jealousy and my incessant efforts to expose and stop absolutely deplorable conduct. I now am reflecting on whether or not there has already been an attempt on my life?

I am at the moment in Thailand, and will arrive in Pune this (soon) coming monsoon; however prior to taking my first sip of the centre’s ‘purified’ drinking water, I might just ask a few questions first. The very first question I will ask is Sheela and who?

From hearsay, from my observations, and from my understanding, I am of the opinion that there are a number of strong cases for civil negligence and criminal misconduct at the centre. I am also of the opinion that some of these actions are of an intentional (voluntary as opposed to involuntary) nature.

The Dalai Lama said Osho was an enlightened master. He also said that Osho was attempting to help humanity through a very difficult phase in its evolution. No doubt this is the case.
This paper uses anecdotes, at times vague recollections, and draws conclusions based only on the understanding of the author. The author claims no experience nor professional qualifications or standing in any area relevant to this paper. The paper is to be considered as a lay-persons opinion. There may be anecdotes that I have mis-spoke; there may be factual errors in the report; there may be incorrectly drawn conclusions or inferences. However many, if not all, of the issues are, if actually the case, serious in nature. I am of the opinion that the matter warrants investigation.

A summary leaves itself open to interpretation and mis-interpretation. The author therefore accepts no responsibility for any views formed, or actions undertaken, as a result of interpretations and misinterpretations. The author accepts no responsibility for the contents of this article, whether expressed directly or implied.

Prem Abhay

A Funny Email

To the Response and Management Team

“(Osho) International Meditation Resort, Pune, INDIA”

Please be very clear that the following is not a threat in any way. I am interested in exploring the situation at the resort through constructive dialogue - as has always been my approach.

At the (Osho) International Meditation Resort in Pune, India, there was a major water contamination problem 4 monsoons ago. The water treatment system was found to be in an absolutely deplorable state, and nothing of any substance was done to fix the problem. As per comments from the consulting microbiologist, the contamination problem was considerably worse 3 monsoons ago. Following the logic, as I have done so in other areas, that what I have reported is essentially nonsense (as per an e-Mail from Dr Amrito, and e-Mails from Dhyanesh), it is reasonable to assume that the water situation has continued on its historic trajectory.

More specifically, I am not aware of the situation with the last 2 monsoons - other than that they were very heavy. Also, though first diagnosed (that I am aware of) 4 monsoons ago, the deplorable state of the water treatment system at that time leads me to conclude that this was a problem going undiagnosed for some years prior - lets say for example 2 years (what I consider an optimistic guestimate). Plotting the chart, I have 4 years heading in a negative track, including 2 years of ignoring the problem. Adding to this the fact that my efforts to help fix the problem have led me to be "not welcome to visit" the centre (ie. banned or excommunicated), I therefore assume that the last two monsoons - both being very heavy - have produced major water contamination problems.

In simple terms I think it reasonable to conclude that some of the people that became sick whilst visiting the resort during the last (lets say) 6 years, did so because of the contaminated drinking water. Also, some water borne pathogens such as are prevalent in India can result in death. This logically leaves open the possiblity that a person(s) has died from the Resort's drinking water.
So my question is this, has anyone died from drinking contaminated water at the (Osho) International Meditation Resort, Pune, India?

Also, I have reason to believe the contamination of drinking water is by no means contained within the monsoon period, and that it is likewise also a worsening situation. Further, the contaminated drinking water goes into the food. Finally, there are numerous other significant issues that appear to me to be also worsening in nature.

Why would I think anything of any substance has been done to fix any of the other serious problems if I have been excommunicated for my endeavors? Also, to ignore a serious problem that has been clearly identified moves towards more and mores serious negligence - from civil to criminal - as does covering up any negligence!

Granted I am not welcome to visit the resort. However I am writing to request special permission to be a guest: as a criminal negligence investigator - to have a detailed look at the state of facilities at the centre and to ask some people some very specific questions - for example about microbiology test results over the last few years for both food and water.

I look forward to your prompt reply.

If you provide a free room in the guesthouse as part payment for my services that would be most welcome, though not at all necessary.

Yours sincerely,
The author of this letter takes no responsibility for any content, whether expressed or implied.