Wednesday, February 25, 2009

News Story 26 Feb 09

News is often bad so may as well start with the bad news for the day. If luck has its way there will then be room for some good news.

The bad news is that the current Chinese presidents greatest achievement to date (other than for his efforts being promoted to president) is that he was governor of the Tibetan region during the brutal crushing of the second Tibetan uprising.

The good news – see I had a feeling there would be some good news forthcoming – is that Australia will soon no longer manufacture any clothing, and hence if Australia goes to war with China they will have to fight naked. No problem in that I should think, at least we can drive our cars around until they run out of fuel from the Middle East.

Interesting news is that the most pressure applied to a bridge comes not from a convoy of fully laden trucks driving over them, but from a tightly packed bunch of marathon fun-runners pounding their way across it.

Of relevant news – you may well be wondering – applies to the (osho) International Meditation Resort in Pune, India – a resort that claims to have over 100, 000 visitors annually. In particular I refer here to its new almighty, award winning, towering, monolithic, pyramid-like meditation auditorium.

The news is that this building has had cement failure, and a neighbouring building (constructed as part of the same project) has had failings due to mixing down of cement (not using enough cement in the concrete mixture).

The interesting question is what happens to the brickwork, structural steel, cement, welds, and bolts, when the devoted Osho sannyassins pound the floor of the Auditorium during their controversially active morning Dynamic meditation?

Of course it hardly seems worth mentioning that for years people drank contaminated drinking water at this so-called spiritual oasis.
To tie things up neatly, I wonder how many Chinese children died in schools that collapsed during last years horrific earthquake disaster due to atrocious and incomprehensible workmanship?

For the second string on the wrapping, the parallel between Chinese food contamination scandals and contamination of drinking water at the resort is also interesting.

You probably would not be surprised to learn that for my efforts to expose the truth I have been banned from this (osho) resort; I have been threatened in writing; I have been verbally threatened; I have been threatened with being punched, have been pushed, and have been punched; I have been threatened with metal rods and sticks; and I have (probably) been threatened with a knife.

I almost forgot about a sweet little anecdote. A brick-layer came to the resort to do some work-as-meditation. He was put to work supervising labours doing construction projects. The summary of the scenario was that the workers thought that he would obviously not know anything about construction work, and so they could pull the wool over his eyes (so to speak). He was of the opinion that they were trying to steal cement. What they did was overstate the amount of cement needed and used for any particular job. Now a supervisor who has no idea of construction would not have a clue how much cement is needed for a job. However this person happened to be a brick-layer by trade.

I don't recall the exact details: whether they were stock-piling cement on the side or whether at the end of the job it appeared that all the cement was used, yet could not possibly have been: someone who knows about such things would be able to look at the colour of the concrete to see how much cement is used in the concrete mixture. The likely scenario put forward to me was that over-quoting and supposedly using this excessive amount meant that the labourers were free to steal a certain amount of valuable cement.

Now if someone wanted to investigate the quality of cement work on a project they could easily look at the amount of cement used, and draw conclusions accordingly. However in this case the conclusions would be wrong.

So what about the mixing down of cement that I identified on the project that included the grand meditation pyramid? One possibility is that the correct amount of cement was quoted, with lesser cement used, and some of the valuable product strangely disappearing – perhaps into nirvanna?

While I am on the subject, one last little twig. Trees and branches have historically been neglected, and a high-tension cabling system winds trees up into a dangerous state of tension.

It has been some time since my last un-meditative visit to the resort, and I assume that deep meditation in the still-standing auditorium has channelled wisdom and compassion into the supposedly spiritual management.

As far as the Chinese communist party is concerned, the latest US state department survey has noted last years brutal crushing of Tibetans for the third time, and also an increase in the level of human rights abuses generally.

The contents of this article reflect the opinion of the author only. Some of the contents may appear factual, but are conclusions. The author shall not be held liable for any of the articles contents.

Also, the author is not a civil engineer, but is an engineer with practical civil experience.

Finally, it should be noted that the author worked with engineers and consulting microbiologist at the resort, and is a qualified engineer.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Story 25 Feb 09

Unfortunately I have a bad memory and today could not be bothered looking up what I wrote yesterday. So if the story doesn't fit do not be surprised.

It was unfortunate that Alan Greenspan (the last chairmen of the US federal-reserve), a free-market ideologue, was forced to go through an identity crisis by the American financial meltdown. I shall restrain myself and not mention here anything of the recently departed president Bush.

What is also interesting is comments I heard last night on the radio that denounced the concept of welfare. It was said that to share is to divide, and to grow is to share. To be forced in any way to give your wealth that you have worked so hard for to those who couldn't be bothered getting off their asses and doing something, is an outrageous indignity. Furthermore, it eats away at the free spirit of man and makes him feel like doing nothing at all.

Accepted that the person presenting this argument will not go easily into the category he is so despising. However with such a narrow-minded point of view, one day I wouldn't be surprised if he developed a mind-splitting mental illness. In which case, the character may be unable to work, and probably his stupidity would have meant he had very little savings to rely on. I would argue that there should be the notion of state support, however not for the person in question.

Accepting the obvious merit of his argument, the categories of people in financial hardship is vast. No doubt so many people really do need support in some way for some length of time. Obviously there needs to be a balance. It is good to discourage the quality of laziness that is often so tempting and ruinous of creativity and zest for life. However just the same it is not good to encourage the kind of blind financial obsession that has led to housing-stress, financial crisis, economic crisis, human depression, and possibility economic depression – with hence the possibility of further human depression. It should be noted here that I am not just talking about America. There are many other countries with similar issues, and many more that may follow suit.

However, taking me back to US financial gurus, on the radio this morning the current US federal reserve chairmen said that if all the stabilising and kick-starting measures actually work, then things will get better soon. However if they don't work, then guess what, things won't be getting better soon. Wow, thanks guru Ben, I don't suppose that president Obama was planning for his plans not to work!!!

That concludes the story for today.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tomorrows Story 24 Feb 09

What an interesting day indeed it is. I was very much troubled when I read yesterday's story, and considered the potential implications. However in this moment my mind is at ease. You see a miracle happened to me. I had the pleasure of being saved by Benny Hinndrance. Bless me and lord shower angels and confetti all across my way, for all my physical ailments have evaporated, I know longer have a housing crisis, and I gave all my money to his blessed crusading and cronies. Ah yes what be it me to be troubled with this world when I can enjoy being hypnotised by Benny Hinndrance.

Meanwhile Wayward Wally was deep in contemplation devising a most devilishly cunning plan, as cunning as a fox who is professor of cunning at Foxford University. However he came upon two significant problems.

Firstly Wally was concerned about the dark word democracy. The very word had sinister undertones, and even uttering out-loud left Wally feeling deeply drained. He had seen with his own eyes the effects of this word in countries struggling to climb out of war. When elections are called in any particular region or country, abductions, torture, murder, and violence in general, escalates. This was proof to Wally that democracy had to be a bad thing.

The other issue troubling Wally is quite surprisingly relating to none other than Benny Hinndrance. Wally new full well that Benny Hinndrance was lost in a delusional, grandiose state of communion with the the big cheese. Therefore he knew that that Benny was nothing more than tasty sweets to little sleepy children. The trouble was however that his sweets were so yummy, and all the kiddies were very very hungry. Indeed this was the hunger that Wally himself was wanting to feed.

Admittedly Benny had stumbled on a few little secrets. Firstly he has the capacity to hypnotise people who are almost asleep. Secondly, if people have psychosomatic issues - even say a physical ailment that has healed, yet the person still believes they have a problem - then Benny can wave his magic bible and hallelujah a miracle has happened. Benny really believes in his own delusion, and he knows what people deeply need – love; compassion; and trust.

Wally was perplexed because to him it seemed that there was little difference between Benny and his cronies, and preachers who profess violence in the name of the Moslem religion. Both flock seem blind and easily lead. The only difference appeared to be that the message was vastly different. Benny really did say the nicest things. He actually means well, and can actually help. So it seemed a little strange to Wayward Wally. Hence he decided to go and see his guru, Adwarf Hateler.

Adwarf was as usual full of sparkling revulsion. However he remained silent for a while pondering the puzzle.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today's Story - 23 Feb 09

Excuse me Adwarf Hateler, I was sitting here wondering about how to create mass atrocities, and for some reason instantly thought of you, said Wayward Wally.

Well Wally, responded Adwarf, I am ravenously flattered and distinctly surprised. What be it me to deny you such a grand request my devout friend.

Thinking for less than a single moment Adwarf Hateler responded with the following:

The matter is really quite simple. It be a little known truth that the real cause of World War II and the Holocaust was of underhand means. What I did on the sidelines in my pursuit of global power and submission was to send foot-soldiers around the world. Their mission was to create the Great Depression – and indeed great it was. I only mention this fact briefly here, as the subtle hypnotic deceptions that created this tool makes for another story entirely. When hence the Great Depression was in fully swing it became very easy to create enemies, and for enemies to create wars, and for wars to create my masterpiece.

Henceforth it is my suggestion to create a second great depression. When you get a global economic crisis in full swing the rest will almost take care of itself. Shouldn't be much difficult I should think.

Wayward Wally thanked Adwarf Hateler for his wisdom, and began immediately to carve out a cunning plan from the skeletal edifice.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Religious Convicts

If I have wronged
in the past out of unconsciousness,
this experience is a compressed
energetic reality stored in my being.

It needs to freed by conciousness.
I need to see this experience
through the eyes of awareness.

Imagine then a beast of a man
that has lived a life of jungle madness.
Such a person has much
to experience consciously.

It does not mean that they need
to consciously act out their wrongs.
However such a journey is quite long,
and it is reasonable to envisage
such a person slipping and falling
at times along the way.

This may be an explanation for some - but not all -
that are drawn to religion, yet commit acts of filth.


A criminal mind can transform in many ways.
In time lessons patiently traverse the thickened skin.
Conciousness can grow and the sick mind healed.
Unconscious pressures can be released
by controlled explosion.

A new journey in a different realm may beckon.
They may fall victim to love and compassion.
May for the first time they here words
of empathy and understanding.


Why, for what, from where
comes emotional fire and darkness?
Every humans being has traversed a path
from the conception of space and time itself.

Look at the
origins of our planet;
or even further back,
do you think the 'big-bang'
was a peaceful affair?

Every human being is bestial, civil, and divine.
To ask why we are who we are is to also ask
where are we from and from henceforth we go.

Beyond Good and Evil

The purpose is to learn about the source.

Imagine standing
immobilised on a sleeping volcano.
If we hear warning signs the tendency
is to grab any nearby support:
a friend or foe, a rock a tree;
to gaze at flowers, or smell sweet fragrances;
maybe even make believe a fantasy;
or even create a real atrocity.

If the volcano ruptures
some even try to swim
impossibly and joyously.

The wise learn
to surf the lava flow.
When they come to rest
they do so on a lake
fed by a natural spring.

The mind is cool,
though not glacial.
The heart is open
yet empty.

A force moves through them,
powerful yet tranquil.
The volcano and the spring
are from the same source.

Good and evil
are the dichotomy of the journey.
The key is to know the source
from which this manifests.

Though there be
right and wrong,
awareness lies beyond
both good and evil.

Any moment we can decide
to notice, to witness, whatever is happening
around us, to us, and ultimately in us.

This mirror allows us to
both stare at the fire and
walk towards the light.

We come to know lifes journey;
we come to know we can simply watch this journey;
and ultimately we come to know that our mirror
is but a fragment of the oceanic mirror...Osho.

That there be pure good
or pure evil welcomes misunderstanding.
There is purity that both transforms and reflects,
that both infuses into and transcends, and
that is our ever present nature, our essence.

From the source overfloweth wisdom.

Hidden Evil

If there was no bad in good,
good would exist not at all -
nothing would exist.

However it is that purity
be tainted by shades of grey
is of no comparison to evil
that oft be cloaked
in pretty colours.

We all have secrets in our basement;
however it is for most primarily
an acknowledgement that
we have travelled far.

Yet for others their treacherous secrets
are placed delicately in the attic;
they are worshipped like stars,
and watered like precious flowers.

Sometimes that which
is negative and destructive
in the unconscious mind -
the beast or animal in man -
pushes its way into consciousness.
This is the cold, calculated criminal.

The mind desires so much
to feast on darkness
that it convinces itself that
evil is good and good is evil.

The mind freezes
so as not to feel.
The cogs need to be hardened
to turn in such a fashion.

However the icy-cold machinery
is all along fueled by a
volcanic inferno seeking release.

Such a person is on a journey
to where time slows to a stand-still,
and pressure rises to an inferno.

This may appear unkind, however
it is testimony to the impossibility and
unwillingness to learn from mistakes.

In the West they call it hell.
In the East it is karmic rebirth
into a vastly lower 'life' from.

However in science it is called magnetism.
Darkness comes to those who yearn for it.
Light moves towards those who reach for it.

There is nothing to fear in evil,
yet it is what it is.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Offering

It is funny
sometimes I wonder why
I write the things I write.

Is it a pretension to stand and speak
of the lofty heights that I either know not,
or that I glimpse only briefly -
and only to fall indeed quite a long way?

Sometimes I think
it is arrogance and delusion,
and that I am simply copying
and combining sweet words.
Yet on reflection it is not so.

Firstly I write
out of a strange compulsion;
there is a sense of urgency
to find any pen and paper
upon which to sprawl a strange
and overwhelming sense of knowing
that dawns on me in an instant.

Secondly I write only of and
from my authentic experiences.
For example at the end
of a year long retreat
the divine opened to me
in a Master's samadhi.

The third reason I write is
because I am hopelessly independent.
I can't stand getting counsel
from wise fools so I write my own.

The final reason I write is as an offering.

The ultimate they say is eternal.
My experience of the flowers of existence
leave me overwhelmed with the sense of this,
yet for me they pass and the mysterious
and magical journey continues.

The Gambler

You can't win
if you don't lose.
You can't try
if you have not won.

Winning cannot be won.
Losing cannot lose anything.

Winners can lose;
losers can win.
Winners can win;
losers can lose.

Is there anything inbetween?

Play to win;
lose to play.

If you lose to win,
you will lose;
if you win to win,
you will also lose.

If you win to lose,
you will win.
If you lose to
neither win nor lose,
you will also win -
though you will
also win nothing.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Wisdom cannot be learnt;
nor can it be purchased.
It can however be shared -
and this is its rarity:
it can be received.

Wisdom is the vehicle used
to share the intelligence
behind the universe;
it is the doorway,
the open invitation,
to glimpse the depth and divinity
of which we are a part.

Wisdom helps take us
beyond our little selves,
immersing us into
divine dissolution.

We can too realise
our path is like a
dew-drop slipping
from the lotus leaf
into the ocean...
and more.

It is not only
that the dew-drop
disappears into the ocean;
it is also that the ocean
has always been
in the dew-drop.

It is just that we have forgotten.
All it takes is to remember.
I am this infinite glimmering presence
that is here and now.

It is simply a choice, a decision, a remembrance.
The journey can be long and arduous,
yet it can end in an effortless eternal instant.

Friday, February 6, 2009

What Matters?

It is not about where you live;
it is about why you live.
It is not about where you are;
it is about where you are at.
It is not about what you are doing;
it is about doing it totally.

It is not what you think that matters;
it is that thinking is happening.
It is not whether I am full;
it is whether I eat fully.

If my attention is spread
it is good to be clear about that.
If my attention is scattered
is my awareness relaxed or tense.

Often times
tension creates scattering creates tension –
and then we wonder how we came to be
in the space we are in.

How can I be heard
when I do not listen?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


If sadness is with you
let it be remembered
that it is not your nature.

River of Diamonds

Slipping into the silent stream;
it is nigh on impossible to explain;
and certainly inconceibable to imagine.

An endless stream of diamonds
awaits the unsuspecting seeker:
an infinitely silken soft caress
melting into eternity.

The nectar of the gods beckon,
yet we rest impatiently
on the rivers bank.

Resting silently upon the bed,
with only the morning birds
urging the coming dawn,
I slip through my bed
and enter the
stream of liquid diamonds.
The treasure lies under the bed...
don’t look!


What is a poet
but a musician
with a pen.

The words dance
in a harmony;
the lines compose a rhythm
that impresses on the soul.

The flute players subtle lips;
the musicians tender fingures;
the dancers flowing limbs; and
the painters dilicate strokes.

Surely a lost spirit
can never be
but a little hidden.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Death dos not come

to those who know,

yet it takes us away

from those who don't.

Life and death are but part

of the flow of

the same silent stream -

passing not to be feared,

yet glorified neither.


Wisdom comes not

from those who think,

nor from those

who believe.

Wisdom is not knowledge;

it is not knowing;

it is not a static state;

it is a transient flux -

in tune with

the flow of existence.

Religion and Religiousness

God will come not

to those who pretend

to be close to her.

It is in the authenticity of each act -

in body, mind, and soul -

...the divine shall grace.

It is in the action not the acting;

it it in the act not the actor.

Transformation comes to the attentive.

Attention to what is secondary,

though empathy is not:

empathy also for one's self.

The Journey

When hence I have finsihed

I will be ready to start;

so much I have learned

along the way.

Yet it is this trudging around,

trying this, letting it go,

and then picking up that,

that is in each moment

an act of fulfillment:

an intuition to try this;

the courage to let go of that;

and the sparkling insight when

the rare jewel called understanding

completes each thunderous step.

In this way nothing can be said

to be completed nor lost;

every loss is a gainm

and every treasure is shared.

However for those lost in the chase

every win is a defeat,

and every loss is a tragedy;

though in time we learn.

Do not be troubled by your drive,

for it is in the very intensity

that you accidentally arrive

in the here and now,

and get it - play hard.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Threads, Tails & Tales

Chose Your Friends Wisely

Those who preach
do not know.
Yet those who know
sometimes preach.


The way forward is inner.


In times of turmoil
calm has not gone,
for silence is
your very nature.

Fire in the Basement

Some people get surpised
when they here news
of a fire
in someone's basement.
Yet every cellar
has a shackled secret.

Better it be freed.
However don't forget
to call the fire-brigade
if you need.


Fire is not in your soul,
for you are not that which burns.

The forest laid waste
by a single spark
returns to vibrant green;
yet you are not the forest.

Good Times

Indulge not too long your treasures
for they too shall pass.


In the dark of night
the wisdom dawns.


Can you know that you can fly
without first taking the leap?


Those who think
there life is dull
need just remember
those that thought
the world was flat.


Columbus was not scared
of falling off the edge.
Those with understanding
know their world
is full of wonder
once they gather courage
and take the leap.

Your world is not baron nor empty;
it is full of depth and wonder.


Your chains are
yours alone.
And only you
have the key.

If you can't find it,
better look.
If you still can't find it,
better ask someone
where it is.


A guide can take your hand.
A fellow traveller can
show you the way;
though noone else
can walk for you.


Noone else can tell your fortune,
for the fortune is inside ourselves.

The past affects our present,
and maps out our future...

To witness the past fully
releases tremendous energy
and leaves a vast space
and a deep understanding.

Only then the past loses its
grip on the future,
and we can live our lives
unconditioned and in freedom.

Think about the future here and now.
Reflect on the past now not then.

Coming Home

A puzzle is only a puzzle
because it was first complete;
you are no different.

All that need be done
is to return to its
orginal state -
to your original nature.

Coming Home

I think therefore I am;
I am therefore I think.

The mind does not create
being, reality or existence.
It is the other way around.


Be kind for
help comes to
those who help.
It is naturall...
in helping you open yourself
to the universal;
in hindering you are closed.
What then can you learn
about the world?


Love is not the key
that opens the door
to heaven.

There is no key,
nor no lock,
nor even door.

Only there is
a door-way.

And on the other side,
all consuming love -
though you are not.

How could it be otherwise
than that you dissappear;
for what of you
can be left behind
when love has you
enraptured in her grasp.

Writers Block

A beautiful women
graced my way,
and now I can write again.

Like words that can
only show the way to truth,
your beauty cannot be captured.
Yet it is there.

To be graced by beauty,
to be absorbed in truth,
is to be experienced not sought.

It was not that truth or beauty
has shut me out.
It was that I had been closed,
and am now open;
though it comes as a surprise,
for effort cannot gain
that which is sought.

This That

Just because
I am paranoid
does not mean they
aren't out to get me.

Just because I feel
safe and secure
does not mean
I have a false
sense of security.


Normally people aren't
out to get me -
it is just my paranoia.

Normally, sometimes,
if I feel safe and secure
it is a false
sense of security.

However it just might be
that when I feel safe and secure
that feeling is a deception.

However I wouldn't want
to be paranoid about it:
because paranoia is or is not real,
and maybe perhaps false,
though definitely possibly entirely justified.
It all depends on the way
things are or are not.

Final Note

And does it matter
if my mind is in dis-cord
with reality?

Well yes of course,
yet ultimately no:
as this is in itself
a reality of sorts -
the natural human condition.

The consciousness in humans
is a hidden thread
of the consciousness
of the whole.

Becoming more conscious
of one's own mind -
whatever that reality may be -
leads one's mind to become
in tune, in step, with reality.

Then what one thinks
fits with reality.
Then what one thinks
is not only in tune with reality;
it is reality; it is truth -
then one thinks no falsity,
although that false thoughts
themselves exist is self-evident.

However that false thoughts are a fiction,
with no ties beyond a petty mind
full of doubt and delusion,
is not self-evident.

It becomes self-evident
when one's own awareness
expands and gradually consumes
the only thing we really ever know -
our false sense of self, our ego.

It is not that
I think therefore I am.
It is that when just I think,
therefore I am not -
and further that when
I am doing that just thinking,
I am actually not thinking
very well at all.

As I become more aware
of my false thoughts -
that create an ugly veil
over this beautiful world -
fade away.

In time a new clothe be thread,
a clothe woven to fit with reality.

However although the minds view
may now meet with reality,
it is indeed just that:
a map.

The challenge is
to create distance from the mind;
to be the mind yet not in the mind:
to be in the world yet not of it.

the only world we know
is of our little mind
projecting its delusion
on the whole unviverse -
billions of false realities.

Yet despite how vast and daunting
the statistics may seem,
it all amounts to ideas -
big ideas yes,
but nonetheless just thoughts.

And the universe is vast.

The Teacher

I can look at you
with pious delusion
and pronounce
that I am God:
or at the very least
we are on speaking terms.

And though this just be
a petty false thought,
you may well come to believe
in my myth.

I have projected my false thoughts
onto, and into, your mind.
Now these thoughts are no more petty.

The solitary can become
endemic and pandemic.
Just look at the worlds great wars.

Humans efforts to make the world
fit their deluded ideas of grandeur
illustrate the power of the mind.

Rather than projecting a false view
of the world on others,
the wise possess a mind
in tune with reality.

Hence a master does not falsely project.
Rather a master simply reflects truth -
so that others lost in themselves
may come to know that.

An d then the mind becomes
a creative dynamo
that cultivates flowers,
and shows that
this world is not only
consciousness and truth,
but also beauty and bliss.


Poetry is not an imposition;
rather; it is an invitation.


The world is not a boring place,
for truth be stranger than fiction.

On Beauty

Beauty that goes unsee
is beauty nonetheless,
and that includes the inner;
it also includes the outer.

On Solitude

Physical beuaty may be
in a never to be seen flower,
in the deepest of forests.

Yet like the glory of the oft hidden divine,
its splendour is not dimished.

The flower is no less fragrant, and
wilts not not sooner than in its own time,
just because its secrets are only shared
with the silence of nature untouched.

Indeed at times we may
feel deeply lonely.
However our fragrance and joy
lies patiently resting not far away.
Indeed it is sometimes difficult
to flower on a busy six-lane highway.