Chose Your Friends Wisely
Those who preach
do not know.
Yet those who know
sometimes preach.
The way forward is inner.
In times of turmoil
calm has not gone,
for silence is
your very nature.
Fire in the Basement
Some people get surpised
when they here news
of a fire
in someone's basement.
Yet every cellar
has a shackled secret.
Better it be freed.
However don't forget
to call the fire-brigade
if you need.
Fire is not in your soul,
for you are not that which burns.
The forest laid waste
by a single spark
returns to vibrant green;
yet you are not the forest.
Good Times
Indulge not too long your treasures
for they too shall pass.
In the dark of night
the wisdom dawns.
Can you know that you can fly
without first taking the leap?
Those who think
there life is dull
need just remember
those that thought
the world was flat.
Columbus was not scared
of falling off the edge.
Those with understanding
know their world
is full of wonder
once they gather courage
and take the leap.
Your world is not baron nor empty;
it is full of depth and wonder.
Your chains are
yours alone.
And only you
have the key.
If you can't find it,
better look.
If you still can't find it,
better ask someone
where it is.
A guide can take your hand.
A fellow traveller can
show you the way;
though noone else
can walk for you.
Noone else can tell your fortune,
for the fortune is inside ourselves.
The past affects our present,
and maps out our future...
To witness the past fully
releases tremendous energy
and leaves a vast space
and a deep understanding.
Only then the past loses its
grip on the future,
and we can live our lives
unconditioned and in freedom.
Think about the future here and now.
Reflect on the past now not then.
Coming Home
A puzzle is only a puzzle
because it was first complete;
you are no different.
All that need be done
is to return to its
orginal state -
to your original nature.
Coming Home
I think therefore I am;
I am therefore I think.
The mind does not create
being, reality or existence.
It is the other way around.
Be kind for
help comes to
those who help.
It is naturall...
in helping you open yourself
to the universal;
in hindering you are closed.
What then can you learn
about the world?
Love is not the key
that opens the door
to heaven.
There is no key,
nor no lock,
nor even door.
Only there is
a door-way.
And on the other side,
all consuming love -
though you are not.
How could it be otherwise
than that you dissappear;
for what of you
can be left behind
when love has you
enraptured in her grasp.
Writers Block
A beautiful women
graced my way,
and now I can write again.
Like words that can
only show the way to truth,
your beauty cannot be captured.
Yet it is there.
To be graced by beauty,
to be absorbed in truth,
is to be experienced not sought.
It was not that truth or beauty
has shut me out.
It was that I had been closed,
and am now open;
though it comes as a surprise,
for effort cannot gain
that which is sought.
This That
Just because
I am paranoid
does not mean they
aren't out to get me.
Just because I feel
safe and secure
does not mean
I have a false
sense of security.
Normally people aren't
out to get me -
it is just my paranoia.
Normally, sometimes,
if I feel safe and secure
it is a false
sense of security.
However it just might be
that when I feel safe and secure
that feeling is a deception.
However I wouldn't want
to be paranoid about it:
because paranoia is or is not real,
and maybe perhaps false,
though definitely possibly entirely justified.
It all depends on the way
things are or are not.
Final Note
And does it matter
if my mind is in dis-cord
with reality?
Well yes of course,
yet ultimately no:
as this is in itself
a reality of sorts -
the natural human condition.
The consciousness in humans
is a hidden thread
of the consciousness
of the whole.
Becoming more conscious
of one's own mind -
whatever that reality may be -
leads one's mind to become
in tune, in step, with reality.
Then what one thinks
fits with reality.
Then what one thinks
is not only in tune with reality;
it is reality; it is truth -
then one thinks no falsity,
although that false thoughts
themselves exist is self-evident.
However that false thoughts are a fiction,
with no ties beyond a petty mind
full of doubt and delusion,
is not self-evident.
It becomes self-evident
when one's own awareness
expands and gradually consumes
the only thing we really ever know -
our false sense of self, our ego.
It is not that
I think therefore I am.
It is that when just I think,
therefore I am not -
and further that when
I am doing that just thinking,
I am actually not thinking
very well at all.
As I become more aware
of my false thoughts -
that create an ugly veil
over this beautiful world -
fade away.
In time a new clothe be thread,
a clothe woven to fit with reality.
However although the minds view
may now meet with reality,
it is indeed just that:
a map.
The challenge is
to create distance from the mind;
to be the mind yet not in the mind:
to be in the world yet not of it.
the only world we know
is of our little mind
projecting its delusion
on the whole unviverse -
billions of false realities.
Yet despite how vast and daunting
the statistics may seem,
it all amounts to ideas -
big ideas yes,
but nonetheless just thoughts.
And the universe is vast.
The Teacher
I can look at you
with pious delusion
and pronounce
that I am God:
or at the very least
we are on speaking terms.
And though this just be
a petty false thought,
you may well come to believe
in my myth.
I have projected my false thoughts
onto, and into, your mind.
Now these thoughts are no more petty.
The solitary can become
endemic and pandemic.
Just look at the worlds great wars.
Humans efforts to make the world
fit their deluded ideas of grandeur
illustrate the power of the mind.
Rather than projecting a false view
of the world on others,
the wise possess a mind
in tune with reality.
Hence a master does not falsely project.
Rather a master simply reflects truth -
so that others lost in themselves
may come to know that.
An d then the mind becomes
a creative dynamo
that cultivates flowers,
and shows that
this world is not only
consciousness and truth,
but also beauty and bliss.
Poetry is not an imposition;
rather; it is an invitation.
The world is not a boring place,
for truth be stranger than fiction.
On Beauty
Beauty that goes unsee
is beauty nonetheless,
and that includes the inner;
it also includes the outer.
On Solitude
Physical beuaty may be
in a never to be seen flower,
in the deepest of forests.
Yet like the glory of the oft hidden divine,
its splendour is not dimished.
The flower is no less fragrant, and
wilts not not sooner than in its own time,
just because its secrets are only shared
with the silence of nature untouched.
Indeed at times we may
feel deeply lonely.
However our fragrance and joy
lies patiently resting not far away.
Indeed it is sometimes difficult
to flower on a busy six-lane highway.
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