Sunday, February 8, 2009


Wisdom cannot be learnt;
nor can it be purchased.
It can however be shared -
and this is its rarity:
it can be received.

Wisdom is the vehicle used
to share the intelligence
behind the universe;
it is the doorway,
the open invitation,
to glimpse the depth and divinity
of which we are a part.

Wisdom helps take us
beyond our little selves,
immersing us into
divine dissolution.

We can too realise
our path is like a
dew-drop slipping
from the lotus leaf
into the ocean...
and more.

It is not only
that the dew-drop
disappears into the ocean;
it is also that the ocean
has always been
in the dew-drop.

It is just that we have forgotten.
All it takes is to remember.
I am this infinite glimmering presence
that is here and now.

It is simply a choice, a decision, a remembrance.
The journey can be long and arduous,
yet it can end in an effortless eternal instant.

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