Sunday, March 30, 2008

Current Affairs

Current Affairs

The East see the West
as pursuing not freedom,
but selfishness.
The West see the East
as pursuing not self-lessness,
but slavery;
as seeking not peace,
but oppression.

“The Asian Brown Cloud”

Snow to Brown Cloud:
Hey brown cloud,
what are you doing
here in the Rockies;
and by the way,
where did you come from?

Brown Cloud to Snow:
Hey I am a foreigner,
but I am not
an illegal immigrant!
I came here legitimately,
just ask the
satellite tracking system.
And don’t worry,
I am not just a blow in;
I am a permanent resident.

“ 21st Century Man”

The 19th century goes to England
and the industrial revolution.
The 20th century is of course America’s.
And the 21st century goes to Corruption;
although I am less than sure
it will bring anything new?

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